Monday, 28 February 2011

20110228 Monday

Today is school day..meaning the kids have to be woken up early. Nadia had a high temperature last night.

0600 - Hakim automatically woke need to wake him up. Next up was Arief while Nurin was a bit reluctant since she slept 'quite late' last night..err..around 2130.

0615- Hakim and Arief were ready in their uniforms while Nurin was dragging her feet to the shower.

0625 - Breakfast and off they went out to catch their van.

1245- Hakim and Nurin arrived home. Arief was home at around 1330.

1400 - Off to KAFA..except for Nurin who was playing truant. Get a telling off from Mama later at night when Mama found out about this.

1700 - Arief and Hakim arrived to playground.

1845 - Time for mengaji at Block B.

1930 - Dinner time. Ketam masak lemak.

2000 - Homework time. Lucky not too many.

2045 - Hakim off to bed.

2115 - Nurin off to bed.

2130 - Arief off to bed. Nadia? Laptop. She seemed to be better.

Sunday, 27 February 2011

20110227 Sunday

0730 - Arief and Hakim woke up early. Straight to their laptops. As part of her Sunday routine, Mama went to her poco-poco class at 0800.

Today at 1130 we will meet Aki Teh, 1400 for Arief guitar lesson and hunt for some groceries.

0830 - Nadia and Nurin woke up. First fight over susu started.

1130 - Off to meet Aki Teh in Suria KK. Its the first time for Nadia but a first in maybe 7 years for the rest of us.

1230 - Lunch with Aki Teh at Pizza Hut Suria KK. Good service, everything is lightning quick. Bravo.

1345 - Sent Arief to his guitar lesson. A short walking distance from Suria KK.

1445 - Ran into Azmi (cousin to Mama) at Suria KK.

1500 - Went home. Playground time for the kids.

1930 - Revision time. Maths for Hakim and Arief. Homework for Nurin.

2100 - Bedtime. Ready for tomorrow.

Semoga hari esok lebih baik dari hari ini.

Saturday, 26 February 2011

20110226 Saturday - The Family

From today's onward, I will write anything about my kids activities.

As a start, today is Saturday 26 Feb.

0715 : Nurin Iman followed us to an aerobic activity organised by my office while Arief preferred his laptop. Nadia and Hakim were still fast asleep when we left.

0900-0920: Nurin even joined me to a round of squash while her mother involved with the wives' activities.

1300 -1500: Arief and Hakim finishing off their homework. Nurin was nowhere to be seen while Nadia was busy disturbing her brothers.

1900-2000: It's TV time. Shin Chan and Doraemon. A must for the kids. I don't undestand why they like it so much.