Monday, 14 November 2011

20111113 Sunday Atuk Leaving

Sunday. Today we will send Atuk home. After 2 weeks in KK, the time has come for Atuk to leave us.

0700 - 0830 - Bapak took Atuk to Tamu Tuaran where Atuk is looking for some flower.
0945 - Off to KK to send Atuk.
1100 - 1145 - KKIA to say goodbye to Atuk.

1145 - 1345 - Centrepoint KK to kill the time.
1400 - 1430 - Guitar time.
1530 - All home.
1630 - 1745 - Playground time for the kids.

1700 - 1900 - Malaysia vs Cambodia in Sea Games. 4-1!.
1930 - Dinner time.
1945 - 2130 - Free time for the kids.
2130 - Bedtime for all.

Tomorrow, Monday routine.

20111112 Saturday, KK Musical Fountain

Saturday. Bapak has an aerobic session while Mama has to go to school. Later in the evening, we plan to take Atuk to KK musical fountain.

0615 - Mama off to school.
0645 - 0800 - Aerobic time.

0900 - 1230 - Total free time for the kids.
1300 - Lunch time.
1400 - 1600 - Very hot outside. Rest time then!

1700 - Playground time.
1800 - The boys followed bapak to the mosque.
1900 - 2130 - Off to KK Musical fountain.
2200 - Home and straight to bed.
Tomorrow, Atuk off to Muar.

20111111 Friday Smartreader, Armistice day in Europe

Friday Smartreader and weekly shopping routine.

0545 - All woke up for suboh.
0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.
0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school and with a stop over to buy some foods for them.
0855 - A neighbour sent Nadia to school.
1135 - All home.
1215 - 1315 - Friday prayer time.

1350 - Bapak sent all to KAFA.
1700 - All home. Playground time.
1845 - Off to Smartreader.

1900 - 2100 - Smartreader, Giant 1B and weekly shopping time.
2105 - 2200 - Dinner time at KFC KK.
2230 - Home. All straight to bed.
Tomorrow, Mama has to go to school and Bapak has an aerobic session.

20111110 Thursday School Routine, Another Nothing

Thursday School routine.

0545 - All woke up for suboh.
0615 - Mama off to school.
0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.
0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school with a stop over at the food market.
0855 - A neighbour sent Nadia to school.
1130 - A neighbour picked Nadia from school.
1235 - The kids home.

1350 - Only Nurin off to KAFA.

1700 - Playground time.
1845 - Mengaji time.

1915 - 1930 - Isya prayer at the mosque.
1930 - 1945 - Dinner time.
1945 - 2030 - Free time for all.
2100 - Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, Friday routine. Smartreader and shopping time.

20111109 Wednesday School Routine

Wednesday School routine.
0545 - All woke up for suboh.

0615 - Mama off to school.

0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.

0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school with a stop over at the food market.

0855 - A neighbour sent Nadia to school.

1130 - A neighbour picked Nadia from school.

1235 - The kids home. No KAFA and Co Curriculum today and no more lessons at school!

1700 - Playground time.

1845 - Mengaji time.
1915 - 1930 - Isya prayer at the mosque.

1930 - 1945 - Dinner time.

1945 - 2030 - Free time for all.

2100 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, Thursday routine. Bapak have a PTA meeting.

20111109 Tuesday School Routine

Wednesday School routine.
0545 - All woke up for suboh.
0615 - Mama off to school.
0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.
0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school with a stop over at the food market.
0855 - A neighbour sent Nadia to school.
1130 - A neighbour picked Nadia from school.
1235 - The kids home. No KAFA and Co Curriculum today and no more lessons at school!
1700 - Playground time.
1845 - Mengaji time.
1915 - 1930 - Isya prayer at the mosque.
1930 - 1945 - Dinner time.
1945 - 2030 - Free time for all.
2100 - Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, Thursday routine. Bapak have a PTA meeting.

20111108 Tuesday School Routine

Tuesday. The kids basically doing nothing at school since they had finished everything. Mama had morning sessions starting this week.
0500 - All up fo suboh.
0600 - 0630 - Getting ready for school.

0615 - Mama off to school.

0645 - Bapak sent the kids to school.

1230 - All home. The kids lucky because they had Atuk to cook their lunch.

1350 - Only Nurin off to school. Arief and Hakim said they dont want to go because they dont study anything.

1700 - 1800 - Playground time.

1800 - Maghrib at the base mosque.

1900 - 1930 - Mengaji time and Isya prayer.

1930 - 2130 - Free time for all.

2145 - All off to bed.

Tomorrow, Wednesday routine.

20111107 Monday Bank Holiday, Tuaran Crocodile Park

Monday. Today is the replacement day for yesterday's Public Holiday. In UK, they would have called this as Bank Holiday Monday.
0500 - All up fo suboh.
0700 - 1200 - Free time for the kids since they had finished everything.
1300 - 1700 - Off to Tuaran Crocodile Park and KK Pearl Market.
1740 - All home.
1800 - Maghrib time at the mosque.
1900 - 1930 - Mengaji time.
1930 - 2130 - Free time for all.
2145 - All off to bed.
Tomorrow, Tuesday routine.

20111106 Sunday AidilAdha

Sunday. Aidil Adha,where muslims in Mekkah perfoming the Hajj whereas Muslims worldwide performing the sacrifices. No guitar for Arief.
0715 - 0900 - Bapak took atuk and the kids to the base mosque for the prayers.
1300 - 1700 - Open houses time.
1700 - 1800 - Playground time.
1900 - Boboiboy time.
1700 - Playground time.
1800 - The boys followed bapak to the mosque.
1930 - Bapak and the boys home.
1930 - 2100 - Free time for all.

2100 - Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, day off for all.

Monday, 7 November 2011

20111105 Saturday AidilAdha eve

Saturday. Tomorrow is Aidil Adha. So, we are making some prep to embrace it. Later in the evening, there was a Takbir raya session at the base mosque.

0735 - Bapak and atuk off to Pasar KK. Mama stayed at home for the house chores. The kids have their best free time ever.

1000 - Bapak and atuk home.

1200 - 1500 - Mama and atuk cooking time.

1600 - Very strong wind outside. Nurin and Nadia enjoy their kite flying time.
1350 - Off to KAFA.

1700 - Playground time.

1800 - The boys followed bapak to the mosque.

1930 - Bapak and the boys home.

1930 - 2100 - Free time for all.
2100 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, AidilAdha!

20111104 Friday Smartreader and weekly shopping routine

Friday Smartreader and weekly shopping routine.
0545 - All woke up for suboh.

0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.

0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school and with a stop over to buy some foods for them.

0855 - Mama sent Nadia to school.

1135 - All home.

1215 - 1315 - Friday prayer time.
1350 - Bapak sent all to KAFA.

1700 - All home. Playground time.

1845 - Off to Smartreader.
1900 - 2100 - Smartreader, Giant 1B and weekly shopping time.

2105 - 2200 - Dinner time at Scenario cafe Alam Mesra.

2230 - Home. All straight to bed.

Tomorrow, nothing special except Bapak is going to the market with Atuk for AidilAdha shopping.

20111103 Thursday routine

Thursday School routine.

0545 - All woke up for suboh.
0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.
0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school and with a stop over to buy some foods for them.
0855 - Mama sent Nadia to school.
1130 - A neighbour picked Nadia from school.
1235 - The kids home.

1350 - Off to KAFA.
1700 - Playground time.
1845 - Mengaji time.

1915 - 1930 - Isya prayer at the mosque.
1930 - 1945 - Dinner time.
1945 - 2030 - Free time for all.
Tomorrow, Friday routine.

20111102 Wednesday routine

Wednesday School routine.

0545 - All woke up for suboh.
0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.
0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school with a stop over at the food market.
0855 - Mama sent Nadia to school.
1130 - A neighbour picked Nadia from school.
1235 - The kids home. No KAFA and Co Curriculum today and no more lessons at school!
1700 - Playground time.
1845 - Mengaji time.

1915 - 1930 - Isya prayer at the mosque.
1930 - 1945 - Dinner time.
1945 - 2030 - Free time for all.
2100 - Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, Thursday routine.

Friday, 4 November 2011

20111101 Tuesday KAFA Show, Bapak In KL

Tuesday. Today no SK PTKK as their KAFA is organising a price giving ceremony with some show along the way. Arief and Nurin has a Nasyid singing time.
0500 - All up fo suboh.

0600 - 0630 - Getting ready for school..
0745 - 0930 - Mama took all to KAFA show.
1000 - All home.
1000 - 1800 - Free time for the kids.
1900 - 1930 - Mengaji time.
1930 - 2130 - Free time for all.
2145 - All off to bed.
Tomorrow, Wednesday routine and Bapak is coming home.

20111031 Monday Routine, Bapak Off to KL

Monday. Today the kids have nothing at SK PTKK.

0500 - All up fo suboh.
0600 - 0630 - Getting ready for school.

0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school with a stop over to buy them breakfast.

0715 - Bapak off to KKIA.

1245 - All home.

1350 - All off for KAFA. Final practice for tomorrow show.

1700 - All home. Playground time.

1900 - 1930 - Mengaji time.

1930 - 2130 - Free time for all.

2145 - All off to bed.

Tomorrow, show time at KAFA, no SK PTKK.

20111030 Sunday No Guitar & Mama BAKAT Dinner

Sunday. No guitar lesson today for Arief as Mama will be very busy with her BAKAT dinner and Bapak will be receiving our DPM at the airport. Not even the weekly tamu visit!
0800 - Mama and Bapak off to UMS to pick up a girl who will be doing the Henna artwork for tonite Bollywood themed dinner.

0900 - 1600 - Henna artwork at our neighbour's home.

1130 - 1400 - Bapak at KKIA T2 to receive DPM.

1500 - Mama and Bapak off to Nexus Karambunai to see the hall preparation.

1600 - Mama and Bapak send off the girl back to UMS.

1630 - 1745 - Playground time for the kids.

1830 - Mama off to her dinner.

1930 - Dinner time.

1945 - 2130 - Free time for the kids as they had finished everything.

2130 - Bedtime for all.

0030 - Mama home.

Tomorrow, Monday routine. Bapak will be off to KL.

Sunday, 30 October 2011

20111029 Saturday Bibik Leaving and Atuk Muar Arriving!

Saturday. Today is a big day for our Bibik as she is leaving for her 2 months break in her hometown of Langsa.
0500 - Subuh time.

0700 - We woke the kids up to send off Bibik.

0800 - Off to KKIA.
0845 - Safely checked in and we entertain the kids with Breakfast at McD.

0930 - Time to say goodbye to Bibik. Very emotional moment for Bibik. The kids seem to be OK although Nadia look a bit lost. We managed to make her forget about Bibik once we enter a chocolate shop in the airport.

1030 - 1130 - Giant 1B time to make up for last night missed routine.

1230 - Arrived home.

1445 - Off to KKIA again. This time to pick up Atuk.
1600 - Atuk safely arrived KKIA. A happy moment for all of us!
1700 - Playground time.

1900 - 2000 - Doraemon and Shin Chan time.
2000 - Dinner time.

2130 - All off to bed. Mama off to her friend home for her BAKAT dinner preparation.
Tomorrow, Mama big day. Final prep for her big dinner.

20111028 Friday Final Day Exam!

Friday. Today is the kids's final day exams. Mama and Bapak had a SMK Tobobon dinner tonight.
0545 - Boys up for subuh.
0600 - 0630 - Getting ready for school.

0845 - Bapak sent the kids to school.

1000 - Mama take Bibik out to KK for last minute shopping. Nadia was along as well.

1135 -All home. Exams were OK, said the kids. We will see!
1350 - All off to KAFA except Hakim.
1700 - All home and straight to playground.

1830 - Mama and Bapak off to dinner. No Smatreader for the kids tonight. Bibik is ready to fly to her hometown.
0030 - Mama and Bapak home.

Tomorrow. Big day for Bibik. We are going to send Bibik off and welcome Atuk Muar!

20111027 Thursday 3rd Day Exam, Mama 4th day break

Thursday. Today is the kids's 3rd day exams. Mama 4th day Deepavali Break.
0500 - All up for suboh.
0600 - 0630 - Getting ready for school.

0640 - Bapak sent all to school.

0900 - Mama sent Nadia to school.

1130 - Nadia home.
1235 - All home. Exams were OK, said the kids. We will see!
1350 - All off to KAFA.

1400 - 1600 - Mama and BAKAT preps.
1700 - All home.
1900 - 1915 - Mengaji time.

1930 - 2030 - Revision time. Arts and Health.

2130 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, final day exam!

20111026 Wednesday Deepavali Public Holiday

Wednesday. Today is Deepavali Holiday for our hindu friends meaning a good break for the kids.
0500 - The boys up for suboh.

0530 - Back to sleep.
0800 - All up.

0930 - 1130 - Revision time for all.

1200 - 1400 - Free time for the kids.

1400 - 1600 - Giant 1B shopping time.

1630 -1730 - Playground time. No mengaji today.
1900 - 1915 - Isya time.
1915 - 1930 - Dinner time.

1930 - 2100 - Revision time, the easier papers.

2130 - All off to bed.

Tomorrow, Bahasa Arab and Maths.

20111025 Tuesday Routine 2nd Day Exam

Tuesday. Today's papers: Maths, English and Science.
0500 - All up for suboh.
0600-0630 - Getting ready for school.

0640 - Bapak sent all to school.

0900 - Mama sent Nadia to school.

1130 - A neighbour sent Nadia home.
1245 - All home. They said all was OK.

1350 - All off to KAFA.

1700 - All home. Playground time.
1900 - 1915 - Mengaji time.

1915 - 1930 - Dinner time.
1930 - 2100 - Revision time, Mathematics.
2130 - All off to bed.
Tomorrow, Deepavali! = Public Holiday.

20111024 Monday Exam Weeks

Monday. Today is their first day exams at SK PTKK.
0500 - All up fo suboh.

0600 - 0630 - Getting ready for school.
0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school. Keep on reminding the kids to check and re-check their answers.
1245 - All home. The kids said everyting went OK except for Nurin. She complained that she couldn't finish her paper on time.
1350 - All off for KAFA.
1700 - All home. Playground time.
1900 - Dinner time. No mengaji today.
1930 - 2130 - Revision time for tomorrow's papers. English, Science and Kemahiran Hidup.
2145 - All off to bed.
Good luck kids.

20111023 Sunday Guitar Day & Photo session in KK

Sunday. Arief guitar lesson. Today, we took Bibik out for some photo session in KK.
0700 - Mama and Bapak off to pasar KK.

0930 - Mama and Bapak home.

0940 - Breakfast time for the kids.

1030 - 1230 - Revision time and guitar time for Arief.

1315 - Off to Musicmart for Arief guitar.

1400 - 1430 - Guitar time at MusicMart KK.

1500 - 1530 - Posing around Bangunan Yayasan Sabah, Sadly, everything is closed!

1600 - All home.

1610 - Bapak sent Arief and Hakim for their football fame after they had performed asar.

1730 - Bapak picked up the boys.

1900 - Boboiboy time.

1930 - Dinner time.

1945 -Final revision for tomorrow exam.

2030 - Bedtime for all.

Tomorrow, Exam time! BMs!

Saturday, 22 October 2011

20111022 Saturday Aerobic and Dewan Sigah Penampang

Saturday. Today we had a aerobic session in the base and later a Biometric registration for Bibik at Dewan Sigah, Penampang.

0645 - Off to Aerobic with Arief and Hakim along.

0830 - Aerobic done!

0930 - Off to Penampang for Bibik reg with Nurin and Nadia along.

1030 - 1230 - At Dewan Sigah, Penampang.

1430 - Home via Desa Freshmart and Beriani.

1700 - Playground time.
1900 - 2000 - Doraemon and Shin Chan time.

2000 - Dinner time.
2130 - All off to bed.

Tomorrow, guitar time for Arief.

20111021 Friday Routine

Friday School routine. Smarteader and shopping night.

0545 - All woke up for suboh.

0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.

0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school.

0855 - Mama sent Nadia to school.

1135 - A neighbour picked Nadia from school.

1145 - All home.

1350 - Bapak sent all to KAFA.

1700 - All home and off to playground.

1845 - Off to Smartreader.

1900 - 2100 - Smartreader and Giant time.

2130 - Dinner time. McD.

2230 - Bedtime for all.

Tomorrow, aerobic session and a Biometric registration for Bibik in Penampang.

20111020 Thursday Routine

Thursday school routine.

0545 - All woke up for suboh.

0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.

0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school.

0855 - Mama sent Nadia to school.

1135 - A neighbour picked Nadia from school.

1235 - The kids home.

1350 - All off to KAFA.

1700 - All home and off to playground.

1845 - No mengaji today. Big thunderstorm in KK.

1915 - 1930 - Isya prayer at the mosque.

1930 - 2000 - Dinner time.
2000 - 2100 - Revision and homework time. Not many.

2100 - Bedtime for all.

Tomorrow, Friday routine.

20111019 Wednesday Routine, Hakim OK

Wednesday School routine. Hakim is OK now.
0545 - All woke up for suboh.

0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.

0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school.

0855 - Mama sent Nadia to school.

1130 - A neighbour picked Nadia from school.

1235 - The kids home. No KAFA and Co Curriculum today.

1700 - Playground time.

1845 - Mengaji time.
1915 - 1930 - Isya prayer at the mosque.

1930 - 1945 - Dinner time.

1945 - 2030 - Revision and homework time. Not many. Bapak off to a Futsal game.

2100 - Bed time for all.

2300 - Bapak home.

Tomorrow, Thursday routine.

20111018 Tuesday Routine, Hakim down with flu.

Tuesday School routine. Hakim still down with flu.

0545 - All woke up for suboh.
0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school. We let Hakim rest again today.
0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school.
0855 - Mama sent Nadia to school and Hakim to the base clinic for a check up. Apparently he had a sore throat.
1130 - A neighbour picked Nadia from school.
1235 - Nurin and Arief home.
1350 - Nuin and Arief off to KAFA.
1700 - All home and off to playground.
1845 - Mengaji time.

1915 - 1930 - Isya prayer at the mosque.
1930 - 1945 - Dinner time.
1945 - 2030 - Revision and homework time. Not many.
2100 - Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, Wednesday routine.

20111017 Monday Routine, Arief and Hakim down with flu.

Monday School routine.

0545 - All woke up for suboh.
0600 - Arief and Hakim down with a flu, we let them skip school today.

0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.
0640 - Bapak sent Nurin to school.
0855 - Mama sent Nadia to school.
1130 - A neighbour picked Nadia from school.
1230 - Bapak home.
1235 - Nurin home.
1350 - Bapak sent Nurin to KAFA.
1700 - Nurin home and off to playground.
1845 - No mengaji today due to Arief and Hakim sickness.

1915 - 1930 - Isya prayer at the mosque.
1930 - 1945 - Dinner time.
1945 - 2030 - Revision and homework time. Not many.
2100 - SuperMak at TV3.
2200 - Bed time for all. Arief and Hakim are getting better. Will see tomorow.
Tomorrow, Tuesday routine.

20111016 Sunday Guitar Day

Sunday. Arief guitar lesson.

0700 - Mama and Bapak off to pasar KK.
0930 - Mama and Bapak home.
0940 - Breakfast time for the kids.
1030 - 1230 - Revision time and guitar time for Arief.
1315 - Off to Musicmart for Arief guitar.
1400 - 1430 - Guitar time at MusicMart KK.
1530 - All home.
1540 - Bapak sent Arief and Hakim for their football fame after they had performed asar.
1730 - Bapak picked up the boys.
1900 - Boboiboy time.
1930 - Dinner time.
1945 -Schoolbags update for all. Some revision.
2030 - Bedtime for all.
Tomorrow, Monday routine.

20111015 Saturday Wedding Invitation

Saturday. Today we had a wedding invitation from a staff in Bapak's office.
0700 - All up. TV and laptop time.
1130 - Bapak and Mama off to Papar with a stopover at Mama's school.
1230 - 1330 - Bapak and Mama at Kg Benoni, Papar.
1500 - Mama and Bapak home.
1600 - Bapak sent the boys to Block B for their football.
1730 - Bapak picked up Arief and Hakim.

1900 - 2000 - Doraemon and Shin Chan time.
2000 - Dinner time.

2000 - 2100 - Revision time for all.
2130 - All off to bed.Tomorrow, guitar time for Arief.

20111014 Friday Routine

Friday School routine. Smarteader and shopping night.
0545 - All woke up for suboh.
0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.
0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school.
0855 - Mama sent Nadia to school.
1135 - A neighbour picked Nadia from school.
1145 - Bapak picked the kids from school.
1350 - Bapak sent all to KAFA.
1700 - All home and off to playground.
1845 - Off to Smartreader.
1900 - 2100 - Smartreader and Giant time.
2130 - Dinner time. McD.
2230 - Bedtime for all.
Tomorrow, a wedding invitation at Kg Benoni, Papar.

20111013 Thursday Routine

Thursday School routine.
0545 - All woke up for suboh.
0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.
0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school.
0855 - Mama sent Nadia to school.
1135 - A neighbour picked Nadia from school.
1235 - The kids home.
1350 - Bapak sent all to KAFA.
1700 - All home and off to playground.
1845 - Mengaji time.
1915 - 1930 - Isya prayer at the mosque.
1930 - 2000 - Dinner time.

2000 - 2100 - Revision and homework time. Not many.
2100 - Bedtime for all.
Tomorrow, Friday routine. Arief had no more KAFA test

Friday, 14 October 2011

20111012 Wednesday Routine

Wednesday School routine. Mama back to normal routine. No KAFA today.

0545 - All woke up for suboh.
0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.
0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school.
0855 - A neighbour sent Nadia to school.
1130 - A neighbour picked Nadia from school.
1235 - The kids home.
1700 - Playground time.
1845 - Mengaji time.

1915 - 1930 - Isya prayer at the mosque.
1930 - 1945 - Dinner time.
1945 - 2030 - Revision and homework time. Not many.
2100 - Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, Thursday routine.

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

20111011 Tuesday Routine, Mama PMR and KAFA Test

Tuesday School routine. Mama last day as PMR invigilator in KK. Nurin and Hakim KAFA test.
0545 - All woke up for suboh.
0600 - Mama off to a school in KK.

0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.

0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school.

0855 - A neighbour sent Nadia to school.

1130 - A neighbour picked Nadia from school.

1235 - Nurin and Hakim home.

1310 - Arief home.

1350 - Bapak sent all to KAFA. Nurin and Hakim had their test.

1700 - All home and off to playground.

1845 - Mengaji time.
1915 - 1930 - Isya prayer at the mosque.

1930 - 1945 - Dinner time.

1945 - 2030 - Revision and homework time. Not many.

2100 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, Wednesday routine. Mama routine is back to normal.

20111010 Monday Routine, Mama PMR and KAFA Test

Monday School routine. Nurin and Hakim had a KAFA test today. Mama with her PMR task.
0545 - All woke up for suboh.

0600 - Mama off to KK.
0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.

0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school.

0715 - Bapak off to Lok Kawi Camp for a dental do.

0855 - A neighbour sent Nadia to school.

1130 - A neighbour picked Nadia from school.

1230 - Bapak home.

1235 - Nurin and Hakim home.

1310 - Bapak picked Arief from school.

1350 - Bapak sent all to KAFA. Nurin and Hakim had their test.

1700 - All home and off to playground.

1845 - Mengaji time.
1915 - 1930 - Isya prayer at the mosque.

1930 - 1945 - Dinner time.

1945 - 2030 - Revision and homework time. Not many.

2100 - SuperMak at TV3.

2200 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, Tuesday routine. Mama last day as PMR invigilator and KAFA test for Nurin and Hakim.

20111009 Sunday Guitar Day

Sunday. Arief guitar lesson.
0700 - Mama and Bapak off to pasar Tuaran.

0930 - Mama and Bapak home.

0940 - Breakfast time for the kids.

1030 - 1230 - Revision time and guitar time for Arief.

1315 - We off to Musicmart for Arief guitar.

1400 - 1430 - Guitar time at MusicMart KK.

1530 - All home.

1540 - Bapak sent Arief and Hakim for their football fame after they had performed asar.

1730 - Bapak picked up the boys.

1900 - Boboiboy time.

1930 - Dinner time.

1945 -Schoolbags update for all. KAFA revision for Nurin and Hakim.

2030 - Bedtime for all.

Tomorrow, Monday routine, KAFA exam for Nurin and Hakim.

20111008 Saturday TASMIK and Mama Briefing Day

Saturday. Today Nurin and Hakim had TASMIK Class while Mama had a special briefing on teacher's career.

0655 - Bapak sent Nurin and Hakim to school.

0730 - Mama off to UMS for her briefing.

0800 - 1200 - Arief had his free time.

1300 - Bapak picked Nurin and Arief from school.

1500 - Mama home.

1540 - We went to our friend lunch invitation. It was a big do actually. Arief and Hakim straight to their friend's house for a football game.
1730 - Bapak picked up Arief and Hakim.
1900 - 2000 - Doraemon and Shin Chan time.

2000 - Dinner time.
2000 - 2100 - Revision time for all.

2130 - All off to bed.
Tomorrow, guitar time for Arief. Arief and Hakim wanted to play football again.

20111007 Friday School Routine Mama PMR & Smartreader Night

Friday School routine. Mama 4th day PMR. Smarteader and shopping night.

0545 - All woke up for suboh.
0600 - Mama off to KK.

0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.

0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school.

0855 - A neighbour sent Nadia to school.

1135 - Bapak picked Nadia from school.

1145 - Bapak picked the kids from school.

1350 - Bapak sent all to KAFA.

1700 - All home and off to playground.

1845 - Off to Smartreader.

1900 - 2100 - Smartreader and Giant time.

2130 - Dinner time. McD.
2230 - Bedtime for all.

Tomorrow, Mama had a special brief while Nurin and Hakim will have a Tasmik class. We also had a lunch invitation.

20111006 Thursday School Routine Mama PMR & Arief KAFA

Thursday School routine. Mama second day PMR. Arief had his last KAFA test.

0545 - All woke up for suboh.
0600 - Mama off to KK.

0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.

0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school.

0855 - A neighbour sent Nadia to school.

1135 - A neighbour picked Nadia from school.

1235 - The kids home.

1350 - Bapak sent all to KAFA.

1700 - All home and off to playground.

1845 - Mengaji time.

1915 - 1930 - Isya prayer at the mosque.

1930 - 2000 - Dinner time.
2000 - 2100 - Revision and homework time. Not many.

2100 - Bedtime for all.

Tomorrow, Friday routine. Arief had no more KAFA test.

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

20111005 Wednesday School Routine Mama PMR

Wednesday School routine. Mama second day PMR.
0545 - All woke up for suboh.

0600 - Mama off to KK
0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.
0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school.
0855 - Bapak sent Nadia to school.
1135 - Bapak picked Nadia from school.
1235 - Nurin and Hakim home.
1310 - Bapak picked Arief from school.
1350 - Bapak sent all to KAFA.
1700 - All home and off to playground.
1845 - Mengaji time.
1915 - 1930 - Isya prayer at the mosque.
1930 - 2000 - Dinner time.

2000 - 2100 - Revision and homework time. Not many.
2100 - Bedtime for all.
Tomorrow, Thursday routine.

20111004 Tuesday School Routine

Tuesday School routine. Mama start her first day as PMR invigilator in KK.

0545 - All woke up for suboh.

0600 - Mama off to a school in KK.
0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.
0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school.
0855 - Bapak sent Nadia to school.
1130 - Bapak picked Nadia from school.
1235 - Nurin and Hakim home.
1310 - Bapak picked Arief from school.
1350 - Bapak sent all to KAFA. Arief had his test.
1700 - All home and off to playground.
1845 - Mengaji time.

1915 - 1930 - Isya prayer at the mosque.
1930 - 1945 - Dinner time.
1945 - 2030 - Revision and homework time. Not many.
2100 - Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, Wednesday routine.

20111003 Monday School Routine & Bapak Is Coming Home!

Monday. Normal school routine. Bapak is coming home today!.
0545 - All up.
0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.
0630 - All off to wait their school van.
0855 - Mama sent Nadia to school.
1105 - Nadia home.
1240 - Nurin and Hakim home.
1310 - Arief home.
1350 - All off to KAFA.

1400 - Bapak boarded flight to KKIA.
1700 - All home and straight to playground.

1715 - Mama picked Bapak from airport.
1845 - Mengaji time.
1915 - 1945 - Dinner time.
2000 - 2100 - Revision time. KAFA for Arief.
2100 - 2130 - Supermak at TV3.
2200 - Bedtime for all.
Tomorrow, Arief has his KAFA tests.

20111002 Sunday Bapak Pekan Temerloh KL

Sunday. Arief guitar lesson and Bapak will be off from Pekan to KL via Temerloh.
0730 - Mama and Bibik off to pasar after reminded Arief to look after his siblings.
0800 - Bapak was doing some landscaping in Yang's house.
0930 - Mama and Bibik home.
0940 - Breakfast time for the kids.
1030 - 1230 - Revision time and guitar time for Arief.
1315 - Mama too all to Arief guitar.
1400 - 1430 - Guitar time at MusicMart KK.
1430 - Bapak off from Pekan.
1530 - All home.
1630 - Bapak arrived Temerloh.
1700 - 1800 - Playground time for all.
1800 - Bapak boarded bus to KL.
1900 - Boboiboy time.
1930 - Dinner time.
1945 -Schoolbags update for all.
2030 - Bapak arrived hotel in KL.
2100 - Hello time with Bapak before off to beds.
Tomorrow, Monday routine, KAFA exam for Arief and Bapak will be flying home!

20111001 Saturday Bapak KL Temerloh Pekan

Saturday. Today Mama planned to take the kids for the weekly shopping and to hunt for Nurin and Hakim school shoes. Bapak is off to Temerloh and then overnight in Pekan.

0700 - All up except Nadia.

0730 - Bapak took a bus to Temerloh.

0900 - Bapak arrived Temerloh to be greeted by Aki.

1030 - Bapak and Atuk off to Pekan.

1100 - Mama took all to 1B to shop, shoes hunting, DVDs shopping and Pizza time.

1400 - All home.

1430 - Bapak arrived Pekan after stopover at Mazlan's house in Kuantan. Murtabak time.

1700 - 1800 - Playground time for all.

1900 - 2000 - Doraemon and Shin Chan time.

2000 - 2015 - Dinner time.

2030 - 2200 - Free time for the kids.

2200 - Hello Bapak before bed time for all.

Tomorrow, Arief guitar time and some landscaping job for Bapak.

20110930 Friday School Routine - Bapak In KL

Friday school routine. Bapak final day course. Smartreader night tonight.
0545 - All up for suboh and getting ready for school.
0630 - All off to wait for the school van.
0855 - Mama sent Nadia to her school.
1105 - Nadia home.
1145 - All home.
1215 - 1315 - Friday prayer time. The boys hitched a ride from our immediate neighbour.
1345 - All off to KAFA.
1500 - Bapak off to Saling Erti to shop for some baggage.
1700 - All home and off to play.
1845 - Mama sent the kids to Smartreader.
1900 - 2100 - Smartreader time. 1B was full with shoppers due to PC Fair. Mama put off the weekly shopping to tomorrow.
2100 - Dinner time at Getaran restaurant, just below the kids tuition centre.
2200 - All home and straight to bed.
Tomorrow, weekly shopping, shoes hunting and Bapak will be off to Temerloh.

20110929 Thursday School Routine - Bapak In KL

Thursday school routine and Bapak 4th day course.

0545 - All up for Suboh and getting ready for school.

0630 - All off to wait for the school van.

0855 - Mama sent Nadia to her school.

1105 - Nadia home.

1245 - All home.

1350 - All off to KAFA.

1700 - All home and off to playground.

1845 - Mengaji time.

1915 - 1930 - Dinner time.

1930 - 2030 - Homework and revision time.

2100 - Hello Bapak time before off to bed.

Tomorrow, Friday routine and Bapak last day course!

20110928 Wednesday School Routine - Bapak In KL

Wednesday school routine, Co curriculum and no KAFA. Bapak 3rd day of his course.

0545 - All up for Suboh and getting ready for school.

0630 - All off to wait their school van.

0855 - Mama sent Nadia to school.

1105 - Nadia home.

1240 - All home.

1330 - Arief off to Co Curriculum activity.

1700 - 1800 - Playground time for all.

1845 - Mengaji time for all.

1915 -1930 - Dinner time.

1930 - 2030 - Homework time and revision time.

2100 - Hello Bapak time before off to bed for all.

Tomorrow, normal Thursday routine and Bapak 4th day course.

20110927 Tuesday School Routine - Bapak In KL

Tuesday School routine. Bapak second day course.

0545 - All woke up for suboh.

0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.

0630 - All off to wait their school van.

0855 - Mama sent Nadia to school.

1105 - Nadia home.

1235 - Nurin and Hakim home.

1310 - Arief home.

1350 - All off for KAFA.

1700 - All home and off to playground.

1845 - Mengaji time.

1915 - 1930 - Dinner time.

1930 - 2030 - Revision and homework time. Not many.

2100 - Hello time with Bapak before off to bed.

Tomorrow, Wednesday routine and Bapak 3rd day of course.

20110926 Monday School Routine - Bapak In KL

Monday. Normal school routine. Bapak first day course in Sg Buloh.

0545 - All up.

0600 - 0620 - Getting ready for school.

0630 - All off to wait their school van.

0855 - Mama sent Nadia to school.

1105 - Nadia home.

1240 - Nurin and Hakim home.

1310 - Arief home.

1350 - All off to KAFA.

1700 - All home and straight to playground.

1845 - Mengaji time.

1915 - 1945 - Dinner time.

2000 - 2100 - Revision time.

2100 - 2130 - Supermak at TV3.

2200 - Bedtime for all.

Tomorrow, same routine as today.