Monday, 7 November 2011

20111105 Saturday AidilAdha eve

Saturday. Tomorrow is Aidil Adha. So, we are making some prep to embrace it. Later in the evening, there was a Takbir raya session at the base mosque.

0735 - Bapak and atuk off to Pasar KK. Mama stayed at home for the house chores. The kids have their best free time ever.

1000 - Bapak and atuk home.

1200 - 1500 - Mama and atuk cooking time.

1600 - Very strong wind outside. Nurin and Nadia enjoy their kite flying time.
1350 - Off to KAFA.

1700 - Playground time.

1800 - The boys followed bapak to the mosque.

1930 - Bapak and the boys home.

1930 - 2100 - Free time for all.
2100 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, AidilAdha!

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