Wednesday, 31 August 2011

20110829 Monday 29 Ramadhan Moon Sighting Day

Monday, Today is the 29th day of Ramadhan. We have been fasting for 4 weeks now and it is the moon sighting night tonight. If the new moon is sighted, we will have Aidil Fitri tomorrow.
0400 - All woke up for Sahur. It's rice and fried prawns for the kids. The kids continued with their sleep after that.

0700 - Since there is no school, all up doing watching TV. We gave the kids off day today.

1350 - Mama, Nurin and Nadia picke up Bapak from office. Mama is peparing the meals for tomorrow. The kids are having their field day today.

1832 - It is the Break Fasting time. The kids are so excited for the news tonight.

1945 - 2100 - Bapak took the boys to the base's mosque. It is Aidil Fitri tomorrow.

2100 - 2200 - It is Takbir Raya.

2200 - Bedtime for all.

Tomorrow, our winning day! 1st Syawal = Aidil Fitri!

20110828 Sunday 28 Ramadhan Guitar Time

Sunday. 28th day of fasting. Arief had guitar class and we planned to go to Bazaar Ramadhan and Giant Kolombong afterwards.
0400 - All up for Sahur.
0545 - Subuh prayer time for all.

1030 - 1130 - Guitar time for Arief. Writing lesson for Hakim.
1320 - Off to Musicmart.

1400 - 1500 - Arief guitar time.

1500 - 1600 - Bazaar Ramadhan time in Asia City KK. Nasi Briyani for all.

1600 - 1700 - Giant Kolombong.

1730 - All home.
1825 - It's break fast time in KK.
1900 - 1930 - Boboboy time.
2000 - 2100 - Tarawih time.
2130 - All home. Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, school holiday and maybe the last day of fasting.

20110827 Saturday 27 Ramadhan Shoe Hunting

Saturday. 27th day of fasting. Shopping time and shoe hunting for the kids.

0400 - All up for Sahur. No problem at all!

0545 - Subuh prayer time for all.

0615 - Bapak and Mama off to KK for pasar.

0930 - Mama and Bapak home.

1300 - Pushed off for 1B for shoe huntings! We bought a pair of shoes each for all except Arief, Upin Ipin raya CD and 2 large pizzas for break fast.

1530 - All home. Movie time!.
1825 - It's break fast time in KK.

1900 - 2000 - Doraemon and Shin Chan time.

2000 - 2100 - Tarawih time. All.

2130 - All home.

2200 - Bed time for all. Tomorrow, guitar for Arief, Bazaar Ramadhan KK, Giant time and the 28th day of fasting.

Saturday, 27 August 2011

20110826 Friday 26 Ramadhan First Day School Holiday

Friday. 26th day of fasting. School holiday and no Smartreader.
0400 - All up for Sahur. A little bit slow for the kids.
0545 - Subuh prayer time for all.
1220 - 1320 - Friday prayer time.
1615 - Bazaar ramadhan time.
1730 - Mama home.
1826 - It's break fast time in KK.
1900 - 2100 - Tarawih time foa all.
2130 - All home. It's bunga api time.
Tomorrow, Nothing in particular and the 27th day of fasting.

20110825 Thursday 25 Ramadhan Nurin OK.

Thursday. 25h day of fasting. Nurin is OK for fasting today! Today the school finished at 1100.
0400 - All up for Sahur. The kids are getting harder to wake up.
0545 - Subuh prayer time for all.
0600 - All ready for school.
0640 - Bapak sent the kids to school! No KAFA either.

1115 - All home.
1600 - Bazaar Ramadhan time.
1745 - Mama home.
1826 - It's break fast time in KK.
1930 - 2100 - Tarawih prayer time.
2145 - Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, the beginning of the 2nd term school holiday! ...and the 26th day of fasting.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

20110824 Wednesday 24 Ramadhan Nurin's 8 Days!

Wednesday. 24th day of fasting. Today Bapak had a break fasting event at the base mosque organised by a squadron.

0400 - All up for Sahur. No problem at all! VG kids.

0545 - Subuh prayer time for all.

0600 - All ready for school.

0630 - All off to school. No KAFA and co curriculum today.

1240 - All home. No KAFA = Rest time for all. Nurin failed again.

1600 - No Bazaar Ramadhan today.

1730 - Mama home.

1800 - Bapak off to the mosque.

1830 - It's break fast time .

1930 - 2100 - Tarawih prayer time. We let the kids played with fireworks after Tarawih.

2145 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, the school finish at 1100 and 25th day of fasting.

20110823 Tuesday 23 Ramadhan Nurin's 7th Day!

Tuesday, Today is the 23d day of Ramadhan.

0400 - All woke up for Sahur. The kids continued with their sleep after that.

0600 - All prepared for school.

0630 - All off to school.

1240 - Nurin and Hakim home. Nurin failed to puasa again.

1300 - Bapak picked Arief from school. All too tired for KAFA.
1600 - Bapak home.

1630 - Bazaar Ramadhan for the kids.

1745 - Mama home.

1830 - It is the Break Fasting time. Well done kids.

1945 - 2100 - Bapak took the boys to Tarawih prayers at the base's mosque.

2130 - Bedtime for all.

Tomorrow, Wednesday routine and 24th days of fasting.

20110822 Monday 22 Ramadhan Nurin's 6 Days

Monday, Today is the 22nd day of Ramadhan. We have been fasting for 3 weeks now and it is getting easier for the kids. Today Bapak had a breakfasting event at the base mosque organised by his office.
0400 - All woke up for Sahur. It's rice and fried prawns for the kids. The kids continued with their sleep after that.
0600 - All prepared for school including Nurin.
0630 - All off to school.
1240 - Nurin and Hakim home.
1300 - Bapak picked up Arief from school.
1350 - Arief off to KAFA. Nurin failed to puasa again. Her sixth days.
1600 - Bazaar Ramadhan for the kids.
1745 - Mama home.
1800 - Bapak off to office for the Break Fasting at the office.
1832 - It is the Break Fasting time. Mama with the kids.
1945 - 2100 - Bapak took the boys to Tarawih prayers at the base's mosque.
2100 - 2200 - We let the kids watched Supermak on TV3 before bed.
2200 - Bedtime for all.
Tomorrow, Tuesday routine and 23rd day of fasting.

Monday, 22 August 2011

20110821 Sunday 21 Ramadhan Nurin Missed Her Fifth Day

Sunday. 21st day of fasting. Arief had guitar class and we planned to go to Bazaar Ramadhan in KK.

0400 - All up for Sahur. Nurin still had high temp.

0545 - Subuh prayer time for all. No pasar today.
1030 - 1130 - Guitar time for Arief. Writing lesson for Hakim.

1320 - Off to Musicmart.
1400 - 1500 - Arief guitar time.
1500 - 1600 - Bazaar Ramadhan time in Asia City KK. The kids preferred Nasi Briyani.
1700 - All home.

1730 - 1800 - Bapak set up the pelita and the decorative lightings at home.

1830 - It's break fast time in KK.

1900 - 1930 - Boboboy time.

2000 - 2100 - Tarawih time.

2130 - All home. Bed time for all. Tomorrow, school routine and the 22nd day of fasting.

20110820 Saturday 20 Ramadhan Nurin Missed Another Day

Saturday. 20th day of fasting. Nothing special today = relaxing at home. Nurin still on and off with her flu.
0400 - All up for Sahur. No problem at all!
0545 - Subuh prayer time for all.
1130 - Bapak and Mama off to Sulaman Central for a hair cut and some decorative lightings. We also bought some young coconut for today's break fasting.
1300 - Mama and Bapak home. Nurin had to break her fast for some medication.
1500 - 1700 - Movie time for all. No Ramadhan Bazaar today because Mama prepared plenty of foods.

1830 - It's break fast time in KK. Nurin had missed 4 days of fasting now.
1900 - 2000 - Doraemon and Shin Chan time.
2000 - 2100 - Tarawih time. Hakim and Bapak only. Arief preferred to stay at home.
2130 - All home.
2200 - Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, guitar for Arief, Bazaar Ramadhan KK and the 21st day of fasting.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

20110819 Friday 19 Ramadhan Nuin down with flu

Friday. 19th day of fasting. Smartreader tonight.

0400 - All up for Sahur. No problem at all! Nurin still down with flu.

0545 - Subuh prayer time for all.

0600 - All ready for school.

0630 - Bapak sent the boys off to school. Nurin still down with flu.

0830 - Mama sent Nadia to school.

1130 - Mama picked Nadia from school. She is very tired but playful!

1140 - All home.

1220 - 1320 - Friday prayer time.

1345 - Air Cond repairman was at home servicing the air cond.

1400 - Arief and Hakim off to KAFA.

1615 - The boys home with fruit juices.

1730 - Mama home. We made the kids ready for Smartreader.

1834 - It's break fast time in KK. Chop chop! We need to push off for Smartreader.

1850 - Push off for Smartreader.

1900 - 2100 - Smartreader and Giant 1B time.

2130 - Packed McD for dinner. The kids wanted to play with the pelita tonight.

2230 - All home. Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, Nothing in particular and the 20th day of fasting.

20110818 Thursday 18 Ramadhan Nurin had a flu, Nadia first day at school

Thursday. 18th day of fasting. Today is Nadia first day at pre school!

0400 - All up for Sahur. No problem at all! Nurin still had a fever.

0545 - Subuh prayer time for all.

0600 - All ready for school.

0630 - It was raining heavily in PTKK. Bapak drove the kids off to school except Nurin.
0800 - Mama sent Nadia o school! She straight away gel into it.
1100 - Mama picked Nadia; she was very excited!

1240 - All home.
1350 - All off to KAFA except Nurin.
1600 - Arief and Hakim bought fruit juices from the Bazaar Ramadhan.

1745 - Mama home.

1834 - It's break fast time in KK.

1930 - 2100 - Tarawih prayer time.

2145 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, Friday routine and 19th day of fasting.

Friday, 19 August 2011

20110817 Wednesday 17 Ramadhan Break Fast with TYT

Wednesday. 17th day of fasting. Today TYT is break fasting in the base. Nurin had a flu.
0400 - All up for Sahur. No problem at all! VG kids.
0545 - Subuh prayer time for all.
0600 - All ready for school. Nurin down with high temp, we let her sleep.
0630 - All off to school. No KAFA and co curriculum today.
1240 - All home. No KAFA = Rest time for all.
1600 - No Bazaar Ramadhan today because of TYT visit.
1630 - Mama home.
1745 - Mama and Bapak off to the mosque.
1834 - It's break fast time with TYT. The kids are managed by bibik.
1930 - 2100 - Tarawih prayer time.
2130 - Mama and Bapak home.
2145 - Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, school as usual and 18th day of fasting.

20110816 Tuesday 16 Ramadhan

Tuesday, Today is the 16th day of Ramadhan.
0400 - All woke up for Sahur. The kids continued with their sleep after that.
0600 - All prepared for school.
0630 - All off to school.
1240 - Nurin and Hakim home.
1300 - Bapak picked Arief from school.

1350 - Only Arief off to KAFA.

1600 - Bapak home.
1630 - Bazaar Ramadhan for the kids.
1745 - Mama home.
1834 - It is the Break Fasting time. Well done kids.
1945 - 2100 - Bapak took the boys to Tarawih prayers at the base's mosque.
2130 - Bedtime for all.
Tomorrow, Wednesday routine and to wake up for Sahur at 0400 tomorrow.

20110815 Monday 15 Ramadhan

Monday, Today is the 15th day of Ramadhan. We have been fasting for 2 weeks now and it is getting easier for the kids.

0400 - All woke up for Sahur. It's rice and fried prawns for the kids. The kids continued with their sleep after that.

0600 - All prepared for school.

0630 - All off to school.

1240 - Nurin and Hakim home.
1300 - Bapak picked up Arief from school.

1350 - Arief off to KAFA.

1600 - Bazaar Ramadhan for the kids.

1700 - Homework time, because they wanted to do the tarawih prayer tonight.

1745 - Mama home.
1800 - Bapak off to office for the Break Fasing at the office.

1832 - It is the Break Fasting time. Mama with the kids.

1945 - 2100 - Bapak took the boys to Tarawih prayers at the base's mosque.

2100 - 2200 - We let the kids watched Supermak on TV3 before bed.

2200 - Bedtime for all.

Tomorrow, Tuesday routine and to wake up for Sahur at 0400 tomorrow.

Monday, 15 August 2011

20110814 Sunday 14 Ramadhan

Sunday. 14th day of fasting. Arief had guitar class and we planned to go to Bazaar Ramadhan in KK.
0400 - All up for Sahur. No problem at all! VG kids.
0545 - Subuh prayer time for all.
0730 - 1000 - Pasar Tuaran time for Mama and Bapak.

1030 - 1130 - Guitar time for Arief. Writing lesson for Hakim.
1320 - Off to Musicmart.

1400 - 1500 - Arief guitar time.

1500 - 1600 - Bazaar Ramadhan time in KK. Very nice. The kids had a good time! Desa Freshmart afterwords.

1700 - All home.
1730 - 1800 - Bapak set up the pelita at home.
1834 - It's break fast time in KK.
1900 - 1930 - Boboboy time.
2000 - 2100 - Tarawih time. Hakim only.
2130 - All home. Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, school routine and the 15th day of fasting

20110813 Saturday 13 Ramadhan

Saturday. 13th day of fasting. Arief had special programme with DYTM Raja Muda Perlis and Bapak had to be at the office due to the HM visit.

0400 - All up for Sahur. No problem at all! VG kids.

0545 - Subuh prayer time for all.

1030 - Bapak off to work.

1000 - Mama sent Arief to the base library for the HM visit, he will be there until 1300.
1300 - Mama picked Arief from the library.

1430 - Bapak home.

1500 - 1700 - Movie time for all. No Ramadhan Bazaar today because Mama prepared plenty of foods.
1834 - It's break fast time in KK.

1900 - 2000 - Doraemon and Shin Chan time.

2000 - 2100 - Tarawih time. Hakim and Bapak only. Arief preferred to stay at home.

2130 - All home.

2200 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, guitar for Arief, Bazaar Ramadhan KK and the 14th day of fasting

Saturday, 13 August 2011

20110812 Friday 12 Ramadhan

Friday. 12th day of fasting. Smartreader tonight.
0400 - All up for Sahur. No problem at all! VG kids.
0545 - Subuh prayer time for all.
0600 - All ready for school.
0630 - All off to school.
1140 - All home.
1220 - 1320 - Fiday prayer time.
1400 - Bapak sent Arief for KAFA. Nurin and Hakim too tired for KAFA.
1615 - Bapak picked Arief from KAFA.

1700 - Bazaar Ramadhan time.
1730 - Mama home. We made the kids ready for Smartreader.
1834 - It's break fast time in KK. Chop chop! We need to push off for Smartreader.
1850 - Push off for Smartreader.
1900 - 2100 - Smartreader and Giant 1B time.
2130 - Dinner at McD Shell.
2230 - All home. Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, DYTM Raja Muda Perlis is visiting the base. Arief will be involved in his programme and tomorrow is also the 13th day of fasting.

Friday, 12 August 2011

20110811 Thursday 11 Ramadhan

Thursday. 11th day of fasting.
0400 - All up for Sahur. No problem at all!
0545 - Subuh prayer time for all.
0600 - All ready for school.
0630 - All off to school.
1240 - All home.

1350 - All off to KAFA.

1600 - Bapak picked all from KAFA. Straight to Bazaar Ramadhan, fruit juices for all.
1745 - Mama home.

1800 - Off to KK. Bapak had a break fasting invitation for the whole family in KK.
1834 - It's break fast time in KK.
2100 - Off to home. The kids had their best time. Free flowing buffet!.
2145 - Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, Friday routine and 12th day of fasting.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

20110810 Wednesday 10 Ramadhan

Wednesday. Tenth day of fasting.

0400 - All up for Sahur. No problem at all! VG kids.

0545 - Subuh prayer time for all.

0600 - All ready for school.

0630 - All off to school. No KAFA and co curriculum today.

1240 - All home. Rest time for all.

1600 - Bazaar Ramadhan time. Fruit juices for all.

1800 - Mama home.

1834 - It's break fast time in KK. Nasi lemak Mama!.

1930 - 2100 - Tarawih prayer time.

2130 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, school as usual and 11th day of fasting.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

20110809 Tuesday 9 Ramadhan

Tuesday, Today is the ninth day of Ramadhan.

0400 - All woke up for Sahur. The kids continued with their sleep after that.

0600 - All prepared for school.

0630 - All off to school.

1240 - Nurin and Hakim home.

1300 - Bapak picked Arief from school. All too tired for KAFA.
1600 - Bapak home.

1630 - Bazaar Ramadhan for the kids.

1730 - Homework time, because they wanted to do the tarawih prayer tonight.

1745 - Mama home.

1834 - It is the Break Fasting time. Well done kids.

1945 - 2100 - Bapak took the boys to Tarawih prayers at the base's mosque.

2130 - Bedtime for all.

Tomorrow, Wednesday routine and to wake up for Sahur at 0400 tomorrow

20110808 Monday 8 Ramadhan

Monday, Today is the eight day of Ramadhan. We have been fasting for a week now and it is getting easier for the kids.
0400 - All woke up for Sahur. It's rice and fried prawns for the kids. The kids continued with their sleep after that.
0600 - All prepared for school.
0630 - All off to school.
1240 - All home afte hitching a ride from Bapak's friend. The van failed to turned up. All too tired for KAFA.

1545 - Bapak home.
1600 - Bazaar Ramadhan for the kids.
1700 - Homework time, because they wanted to do the tarawih prayer tonight.
1745 - Mama home.
1834 - It is the Break Fasting time. Well done kids.
1945 - 2100 - Bapak took the boys to Tarawih prayers at the base's mosque. Nurin stayed at home to finish off her homework.
2100 - 2200 - We let the kids watched Supermak on TV3 before bed.
2200 - Bedtime for all.
Tomorrow, Tuesday routine and to wake up for Sahur at 0400 tomorrow.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

20110807 Sunday 7 Ramadhan

Sunday. Seventh day of fasting. Arief had guitar class and we planned to go to Bazaar Ramadhan in KK.

0400 - All up for Sahur. No problem at all! VG kids.

0545 - Subuh prayer time for all.

0700 - 1000 - Free time for all.

1100 - 1230 -Bapak repairing the car's skirting.
1320 - Off to Musicmart.
1400 - 1500 - Arief guitar time.
1500 - 1630 - Bazaar Ramadhan time in Asia city KK. Very nice. The kids had a good time!

1730 - All home.

1834 - It's break fast time in KK.

1900 - 1930 - Boboboy time.

2000 - 2100 - Tarawih time.

2130 - All home. Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, school routine and the 8th day of fasting.

20110806 Saturday 6 Ramadhan

Saturday. Sixth day of fasting. Arief had additional KAFA class, Bibik had medical and we had to shop for the girls baju raya.
0400 - All up for Sahur. No problem at all! VG kids.
0545 - Subuh prayer time for all.
0740 - We woke Arief up.
0800 - Sent Arief for KAFA, he will be there until 1100. We went to Gudservis KK to sent Bibik for her medical.

0830 - 0930 - Pasar KK time.

1015 - Mama and Bapak home.

1130 - We picked Arief from KAFA and went straight to KK for Bibik and shop for the girls baju raya.
1220 - Managed to find the girls baju raya as long as some DVDs for the boys. Went to Desa after that.
1330 - All home.
1400 - 1600 - Movie time for all.

1600 - Bazaar Ramadhan in the base.
1834 - It's break fast time in KK.
1900 - 2000 - Doraemon and Shin Chan time.
2000 - 2100 - Tarawih time.
2130 - All home. Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, guitar for Arief, Bazaar Ramadhan KK and the 7th day of fasting.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

20110805 Friday 5 Ramadhan

Friday. Fifth day of fasting. Smartreader tonight.

0400 - All up for Sahur. No problem at all! VG kids.

0545 - Subuh prayer time for all.

0600 - All ready for school.

0630 - All off to school.

1140 - All home.

1220 - 1320 - Fiday prayer time.

1400 - Bapak sent all for KAFA.

1615 - All home.

1730 - Mama home. We made the kids ready for Smartreader.

1834 - It's break fast time in KK. Chop chop! We need to push off for Smartreader.

1850 - Push off for Smartreader.

1900 - 2100 - Smartreader and Giant 1B time.

2130 - Dinner at McD Shell.

2230 - All home. Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, KAFA for Arief, Medical for Bibik and the 6th day of fasting.

20110804 Thursday 4 Ramadhan Bapak Home!

Thursday. Fourth day of fasting. Bapak will be home today!

0400 - All up for Sahur. No problem at all!

0545 - Subuh prayer time for all.

0600 - All ready for school.

0630 - All off to school.

1240 - All home. The kids didn't go to KAFA cited tiredness as the reason.

1800 - Mama home.

1830 - Bapak home with our opposite neighbour.

1834 - It's break fast time with our just arrived neighbour.

1940 - 2100 - No homework, so, it's tarawih time for the boys.

2100 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, Friday routine and 5th day of fasting.

20110803 Wednesday 3 Ramadhan

Wednesday. Third day of fasting. Bapak is in KL for Medical and will return on Thursday.
0400 - All up for Sahur. No problem at all! VG kids.
0545 - Subuh prayer time for all.
0600 - All ready for school. Mama found out that Hakim's school bag was spoiled by a broken milk carton. Mama had to change his bag. So smelly that will make anybody throw up.
0630 - All off to school. No KAFA and co curriculum today.
1240 - All home. Rest time for all.
1800 - Mama home.
1834 - It's break fast time in KK. Moral was high!.
1930 - 2030 - Homework and revision time.
2100 - Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, school as usual and 4th day of fasting...and Bapak will be home!

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

20110802 Tuesday 2 Ramadhan

Tuesday. Second day of fasting. Today, Bapak will go to KL for Medical and will return on Thursday.

0400 - All up for Sahur. No problem at all! VG kids.

0545 - Subuh prayer time for all.

0600 - All ready for school.

0630 - All off to school. Bapak reminded Arief to remind his van driver to pick him up at 1300 'cos Bapak will not be available. Nadia already up and straight to the girl games.

0715 - Bapak off to KKIA.

0900 - Mama met Cikgu Abdah for some business discussion.

1240 - Nurin and Hakim home.

1315 - Arief home.

1500 - Bapak called. Apparently nobody went to KAFA due to tiredness! OK.

1800 - Mama home.

1834 - It's break fast time in KK. The kids are very enthusiastics to continue their fasting tomorrow.

1930 - 2030 - Homework and revision time.

2100 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, school as usual and 3rd day of rasting.

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

20110801 Monday First Ramadhan

Monday, Today is the first of Ramadhan. All except Nadia are fasting though she said she is fasting.

0400 - All woke up for Sahur, the early morning breakfast. It's rice and fried prawns for the kids. The kids went straight to Subuh prayer and continued with their laptop games after that.

0600 - All prepared for school.

0630 - All off to school.

1240 - Nurin and Hakim home. Nurin wanted to skip her KAFA, she looked sleepy anyway. Bapak let her sleep.

1300 - Bapak picked Arief from school.

1545 - Bapak home.

1600 - Bapak picked Arief and Hakim from KAFA. To encourage Hakim to stay on, Bapak bought some fruit juices from the bazaar stall for all.

1700 _ Due to fasting, the kids preferred to stay at home. Hakim was complaining of hunger and thirst but we managed to coo him to stay in bed and watched some movies.

1745 - Mama home. Today's menu is Lontong Johor.

1834 - It is the Break Fasting time. We congrulated the kids for the job well done.

1945 - In Ramadhan, there was Tarawih prayer. So tonight, since there were no homeworks, Bapak took the boys to Tarawih prayers at the base's mosque. Nurin stayed at home to finish off her homework.

2100 - Moreh time or supper time after the tarawih prayer. It was Murtabak! Arief took some home for Mama. Good thinking.

2115 - 2200 - We let the kids watched Supermak on TV3 before bed.

2200 - Bedtime for all.

We encouraged the kids to fast again tomorrow and to wake up for Sahur at 0400 tomorrow.

Monday, 1 August 2011

20110731 Sunday Arief Guitar Day, Hari tengok anak bulan Ramadhan

Sunday, Guitar lesson for Arief. Tonight we will know whether tomorrow is the start of fasting month or no.
0930 - Mama and Bapak off to Pasar KK.

1200 - Mama and Bapak home.

1200 - 1300 - Homework and revision time.

1320 - Pushed off for Arief guitar.

1400 - 1430 - Arief guitar time.

1630 - All home. Playground time for all.

1900 - Boboi Boy time.

1930 - Dinner time.

2030 - 2100 - Tomorrow is 1st Ramadhan, Bapak lead Arief and Hakim for Tarawih.

2115 - Bed time for all.

Ready for sahur tomorrow.