Wednesday, 31 August 2011

20110829 Monday 29 Ramadhan Moon Sighting Day

Monday, Today is the 29th day of Ramadhan. We have been fasting for 4 weeks now and it is the moon sighting night tonight. If the new moon is sighted, we will have Aidil Fitri tomorrow.
0400 - All woke up for Sahur. It's rice and fried prawns for the kids. The kids continued with their sleep after that.

0700 - Since there is no school, all up doing watching TV. We gave the kids off day today.

1350 - Mama, Nurin and Nadia picke up Bapak from office. Mama is peparing the meals for tomorrow. The kids are having their field day today.

1832 - It is the Break Fasting time. The kids are so excited for the news tonight.

1945 - 2100 - Bapak took the boys to the base's mosque. It is Aidil Fitri tomorrow.

2100 - 2200 - It is Takbir Raya.

2200 - Bedtime for all.

Tomorrow, our winning day! 1st Syawal = Aidil Fitri!

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