Tuesday, 13 September 2011

20110912 Monday School Routine

Monday, school routine for the kids.
0415 - Arief woke up to join Bapak and Mama for Sahur. Bapak had 5 days, Mama 3 and Arief 2. 0500 - Subuh Prayer.
0545 - Hakim and Nurin woke up and get ready for school.
0630 - All off to school.
1240 - The kids home even though they finish school at 1100. The van failed to pick them on time!
1400 - Bapak sent the kids for KAFA.
1700 - All home.
1823 - Break Fasting time in KK.
1900 - 1940 - Mengaji time and Isya at the mosque.
2100 - 2130 - Supermak.

2130 - Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, no school until the rest of the week due to the UPSR.

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