Tuesday, 31 May 2011

20110530 Monday - Kaamatan Holiday

Monday. Today is a state holiday. As usual Bapak woke up and got ready for work only to realise that it was a holiday.

0800 - All up. Bapak polishing the car instead.

1000 - 1230 - Homework time for all.

1300 - 1500 - Laptops time. Nadia was asleep.

1600 - Swimming pool time for all except the sleeping Nadia.

1700 - Mama followed up to the pool with the upsetted Nadia.

1800 - All home.

1900 - Mengaji time.

1930 - 2030 - Dinner at the base restaurant for all.

2100 - Juvana time.

2200 - Bedtime for all.

Tomorrow, is another state holiday.Ya hu!

20110529 Sunday - Second Day Holiday

Today is their second day holiday. Arief had his usual guitar class and we plan to have the kids slowly doing their homeworks. The kids requested qnother session in the pool again. OK.

0800 - All up.

1000 - 1100 - Hakim and Arief doing their homeworks.

1100 - Bapak took the kids to school, Nurin had to copy her homework from her class's whiteboard! One of the advantages living near to the school.

1330 - All sent Arief to his guitar.

1415 - 1515 - Arief and his guitar class.

1545 - All home.

1600 - Bapak took the kids to the szimmming pool.

1800 - Home. Playground time.

1900 - Boboboy time.

1930 - 2100 - Laptops time.

2100 - Bedtime for all.

We let them enjoy their holiday. The real routine starts tomorrow kids!

Monday, 30 May 2011

20110528 Saturday - First Day Holiday

Saturday. First day holiday. Mama had a additional class whereas Hakim had a replacement class.

0630 - Bapak sent Mama to school.

0700 - Arief up. Straight to laptop. Bapak let Hakim sleep. His replacement class can be taken some other day. Bapak clean the Kancil instead.

0900 - Bapak picked up Mama from school.

0900 - 1100 - Mama and Bapak did some house surveying. Just in case.

1130 - Mama and Bapak home; The kids were having good time. Hakim was enjoying his new hobby - origami! Very good, some creativity. But Bapak end up to be doing all the hardworks!

1600 - 1730 - Pool time! Bapak took the kids took the pools for the first time this year! Unbelievable! They enjoyed the pool like they never been into it! OK kids, we will reignite this activity.

1900 - 1930 - Shin Chan time.

2000 - 2200 - We took the kids to Bapak's office to watch Hantu Mak Limah movie.

2230 - Bedtime for all. Bapak went out fishing.

Tomorrow, guitar time..and maybe pool yime in the evening.

Sunday, 29 May 2011

20110527 Friday - Final day of the first semester

Friday. Today is the final day of the first semester. We ensured that Arief go to school. Mama had a morning session for her own Teacher's day celebration.

0600- All up.

0630 - All off to school.

1145 - All home.

1200 - Mama home.

1230 - 1330 - Friday Prayer.

1345 - Mama sent the kids to school.

1700 - All home. Playground time. Bapak off to squash.

1845 - All off to SmartReader except for Nadia as she was sound asleep. Bapak off to his dinner.

1900 - 2100 - Mama did the weekly shopping alone.

2130 - All home. Packed dinner McD.

2200 - All off to bed except Nadia. She was up and running.

2300 - Bapak home.

The school holiday begins!

Friday, 27 May 2011

20110526 Thursday Arief Still Sick

Thursday, Arief still down. Mama took him to see a doctor today.

0600 - All up except Arief of course.

0630 - All off to school.

0830 - Mama took Arief to see a doctor in the base. Was given some medication and an MC!

1235 - Nurin home after hiking a ride with her friend's mum.

1300 - Bapak picked Hakim from school. His van was a little bit late.

1350 - All off to KAFA except Arief of course.

1700 - All home. Playground time.

1830 - 2100 - Bapak off to the mosque for monthly Yassin.

1850 -Mengaji time.

1900 - Dinner time. Tomyam time.

1930 - 2030 - Light revision.

2100 - Bedtime for all.

Arief was getting better. We will make sure he goes to school tomorrow considering it will be the last day for the first semester.

20110525 Wednesday Pot Luck Day Hakim, Arief demam.

Wednesday. Pot Luck day for Hakim. We gave him a chocolate cake for him to share with his friends.

0600 - All up except Arief who was having a high temperature. We let him off for the day.

0650 - Bapak sent the kids to school except for Arief. Hakim was jubilant with his cake!

1235 - Nurin and Hakim home.

1345 - Bapak sent Hakim only for KAFA because Nurin was too tired and sleepy while Arief was still sick.

1700 - Hakim home, walking he said! Poor boy! Goog for him anyway to have some sort of exercise. Playground time.

1850 - Mengaji time.

1900 - Dinner time.

1930 - 2000 - Light revision, no homework.

2100 - Bedtime for all. Arief was still sick and possibly he will miss class again tomorrow.

Mama planned to take Arief to doctor tomorrow should he continue like that.

Thursday, 26 May 2011

20110524 Tuesday

Tuesday. Normal school routine.

0600 - All up.

0630 - All off to school.

1235 - Nurin and Hakim home.

1300 - Arief not yet home. Bapak went to school and picked him up. Turned out he was left behind by the school van.

1345 - Bapak sent the kids for KAFA.

1700 - All home. Playground time.

1850 - Mengaji time.

1900 - Dinner time.

1930 - 2030 - Homework time. Bapak off to his office.

2100 - Bedtime for all.

2230 - Bapak home.

Tomorrow, Wednesday routine. Hakim had a pot luck for his class. OK!

Monday, 23 May 2011

20110523 Monday - Special Holiday

Monday. Today is an off day for the kids but they had a KAFA in the afternoon anyway.

0700 - Arief up. Straight to laptop. Got a telling of from Mama to shower first.

0800 - 1100 - Mama handling the kids before off to her school.

1245 - Bapak home and get the kids ready for KAFA.

1345 - Bapak sent the kids for KAFA.

1645 - Bapak picked up the kids from KAFA.

1700 - Playground time. Bapak off to squash.

1850 - Mengaji time.

1900 - Dinner time. Tenggiri goreng.

2000 - 2100 - Laptops time. Nadia went to sleep.

2100 - 2200 - Arief and Hakim requested to watch Juvana on TV3. We let them 'cause there was something they can learn from it. It was a tv series about bad kids living in a corrective school. Mama had a special meeting with her big one.

2200 - All off to bed.

Tomorrow, normal Tuesday school routine.

20110522 Sunday - Guitar Arief

Sunday. Pasar time, Bapak had a PTA invitation and Arief had guitar lesson later.

0730 - 0930 - Mama and Bapak off to Tuaran for weekly pasar time.

1000 - 1130 - Bapak off to SK PTKK's camping programme with Arief. Bapak was the officiator! Came back with a lot of goodies. TQ teachers! Homework time for Hakim.

1145 - Bapak met one of the neighbours to inquire about some misunderstanding and managed to clear the air and set the record straight.

1230 - Lunch time.

1330 - All off to Musicmart except Nurin and Hakim who preferred to stay at home.

1400 - 1430 - Guitar time for Arief.

1430 - 1500 - Weekly shopping at Desa Freshmart.

1545 - All home.

1700 - Playground time.

1900 - Boboboy time.

2000 - Dinner time. We gave the kids free time tonite. Enjoy kids, enjoy your time!

2130 - All off to bed.

Tomorrow, no school for the kids due to the weekend camping programme. OK!

20110521 Saturday - Smartreader Replacement Class and BBQ Night

Saturday. Today, the kid had a replacement class for the Good Friday holiday and later in the evening, Bapak's office had a BBQ night for all staffs and families.

0730 - All up.

0800 - All off to Smartreader except for Nadia.

0830 - 1030 - Smartreader time. Bapak and Mama went to a car spa to totally clean the Livina inside out.

1035 - Picked up the kids and went home.

1200 - 1600 - Mama had her school hi tea and bowling.

1700 - Playground time.

1900 - Shin Chan time.

1930 -2200 - Off to BBQ. Good outing for all.

2230 - All home. Changed and ready to bed.

Tomorrow, guitar time for Arief and homework time for Hakim.

Saturday, 21 May 2011

20110520 Friday - Smartreader

Friday. Normal school day routine. For KAFA, they had a Teachers' day celebration.

0600 - All up. Hakim still a bit moody.

0630 - All off to school.

1145 - Bapak picked Nurin from school. Arief and Hakim in their school van.

1230 - 1339 - Friday prayer.

1350 - All off to KAFA in sport uniforms for their Teachers' day do.

1700 - All home. Playground time. Bapak off to squash.

1830 - Off to Smartreader.

1900 - 2100 - Bapak and Mama weekly Giant shopping do.

2130 - Dinner at McD.

2230 - All home. Nurin straight to bed. Arief and Hakim to their laptops.

2330 - All off to bed.

Tomorrow, morning, they have a Smartreader replacement class, Mama have a hi tea in the afternoon and Bapak's office have a BBQ do later in the evening.

Friday, 20 May 2011

20110519 Thursday - 1M1S

Thursday. Normal school routine. Arief had a 1M1S programme.

0600 - All up. Hakim was a bit in a bad mood.

0640 - All late to school. Bapak refused to send them and let them rush for the waiting van. Luckily they were not left behind.

1245 - All home. Arief quickly had his lunch and changed for his 1M1S.

1305 - Bapak sent Arief to school.

1350 - Nurin and Hakim off to KAFA.

1700 - All home. Playground time. Bapak off to squash.

1850 - Mengaji time.

1915 - Dinner time fish curry.

1930 - 2000 - Quick revision time. No homework!

2100 - All off to bed.

Tomorrow, Friday routine.

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

20110518 Wednesday - Co Curriculum Day

Wednesday. Today, Arief had pot luck day for his class. Nurin and Hakim also wanted to bring something although they don't have such do. OK, puddings for all.

0600 - All up.

0645 - Bapak sent the kids to school.

1235 - All home. It was a good day for Arief. Lot of foods he claimed.

1345 - Bapak sent Arief for Co Curriculum. Nurin and Hakim for KAFA.

1430 - Arief home. It was a quick one!

1700 - Nurin and Hakim home. Playground time.

1845 - Mengaji time.

1900 - Dinner time. Ikan goreng.

1945 - 2045 - Some revision for their exams papers.

2100 - Bed time for all.

Ready for tomorrow. Nothing special.

20110517 Tuesday - Wesak Day Holiday

Tuesday. Today is National Day holiday for our Buddhist friends. Nothing in particular for today but Mama planned to buy a standing fan.

0730 - All up.

0800 - Breakfast time for all. Western for all.

1030 - 1230 - Mama and Bapak went out for fan hunting.

1245 - Mama and Bapak home.

1300 - 1700 - Various indoor activities for the kids.

1900 - The kids told us they wanted to bring something for their classes Teachers' Day do tomorrow. Mama decided puddings is the easier option. So, Bapak went out to buy some eggs for the kids' pudding.

2100 - All off to beds.

Tomorrow, school as usual.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

20110516 Monday - Happy Teachers' Day

Monday. Today is Teachers' Day. The kids had no classes but some activity with their teachers. We made the kids took with them the presents to be given to their teachers.

0600 - All up.

0645 - Bapak sent the kids to school. Nurin reluctant to go out from the car because she wansn't sure about today's activity. Anyway, she finally step out after some consultations with her friend.

1245 - All home. The kids gave away their presents to their teachers.

1325 - Bapak received a call from a neighbour about a snake entering our house. Bapak quickly went home to dispose the unwanted intruders. It turned out that it was only a tiny little snake measuring about 30 cm with 3 mm in diameter maybe. Hooray, Bapak turned to be a hero again.

1350 - Bapak sent the kids to KAFA. Again, we made them took the presents for the KAFA teachers.

1700 - All home. Bapak off to squash.

1900 - No mengaji today. Dinner time.

2030 - 2300 - Fishing time. Bapak took Nurin, Hakim and Nadia to fish. Arief preferred to stay at home. It was a good turn out. We managed to catch some fishes but the best part was when Hakim's line managed to tangle a swordfish!

2330 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow? Wesak day holiday! Another lazy day in the making.

20110515 Sunday - CD huntings

Sunday. Today, after Arief's guitar, we planned to buy some DVDs with Nurin's children song topping the list.

0730 - Mama and Bapak off to Tuaran. Routine marketing and some finalised weekly shopping (to top up what Bapak missed on Friday). Mama bought some presents for the kids' teachers.

1000 - Mama and Bapak home.

1230 - Lunch time. Briyani and kurma daging.

1330 - Off to sent Arief.

1400 - 1430 - Guitar time for Arief. Havocs by Nurin and Nadia at Musicmart.

1500 - 1600 - DVDs shopping time at Centrepoint. End up with Rio, Rango, Barbie Stallion, Children Song, Hantu Mak Limah and another mike for Karaoke.

1700 - Home.

2000 - Dinner time. Nasi Goreng Pattaya and Nasi Goreng Cina from the base's restaurant.
Mama and Bapak wrapped up the kids presents.

2100 - Bed time for all. The kids looked forward for tomorrow Teacher's Day.

2230 - Hantu Mak Limah time for Mama and Bapak. LOL! Very very funny!

20110514 Saturday - Pancakes for Breakfast!

Saturday. Bapak, Mama and Nurin woke up at the hotel of course. Nurin had no TASMIK. So, it's lazy Saturday.

1000 - Checked out from Courtyard.

1030 - Breakfast at McD. Packed pancakes for the kids.

1130 - Home. Pancake time for the kids.

1230 - 1700 - Relaxing day for all! Nothing in particular. Good indoor time for the kids.

1900 - 2000 - Shin Chan and Doraemon time for the kids. Bapak and Mama off to Squash time.

2030 - Dinner time. Briyani and kurma daging.

2145 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, Pasar Tuaran outing for Mama and guitar lesson for Arief. Nurin wanted a children song CD for her to practice for Monday's Teacher Day.

20110513 Friday the 13th!

Friday. Normal working day for the kids. Mama had a day off for her dinner tonight.

0600 - All up.

0630 - All off to school with their own designed cards. Today they don't have classes, just preparation for Monday's Teachers' day.

1135 - All home.

1230 -1330 - Friday prayer.

1350 - Bapak sent the kids to KAFA.

1400 - Mama off to 1Borneo.

1700 - All home.

1830 - Smartreader time.

1900 - 2100 - Bapak did the shopping round with Nadia.

2115 - McD time for the kids.

2230 - All home.

2300 - Bapak and Nadia off to 1Borneo to spent the night at 1B' s Courtyard hotel.

2330 - Bapak and Nadia met up with Mama at Courtyard.

20110512 Thursday Final Day Exam!

Thursday. Today is the kids's final day exams.

0600 - All up.

0630 - All off to school.

1235 - All home. Exams were OK, said the kids. We will see!

1350 - All off to KAFA for their last paper as well.

1700 - All home. Kacang, said the kids. OK.

1900 - 2100 - We let the kids having their good time. Bapak helped them designing their own Teachers' Day card.

1930 - 2030 - Mama off to her BAKAT dinner's preparation.

2130 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow Mama took a day off to prepare for her BAKAT dinner.

Thursday, 12 May 2011

20110511 Wednesday Exam Day 3

Wednesday. Today the kids have Maths and Arts.

0600 - All up.

0630 - All off. Nurin was the slowest one again.

1245 - All home. The kids said their Maths were easy peasy!..We will see.!

1355 - Bapak sent Nurin and Hakim to KAFA. Arief had no KAFA neither Ko Kurikulum.

1400 - Bapak off to squasy.

1700 - All home. Playground time.

1900 - Dinner time. Beef curry.

1930 - Mama off to BAKAT's.

1930 - 2100 - Revision time. Science for Arief. Arab for Nurin and Hakim.

2130 - Bedtime for all.

Good luck for tomorrow kids. Last day of exams! Yeay!

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

20110510 Tuesday 2nd day exam

Tuesday. Today's papers: English and Science.

0600 - All up.

0630 - All off to school. Nurin was the slowest one.

1245 - All home. They said all was OK. Bapak double ceck Arief first English paper, 30 out of 40 = 75 %! It was a B! Hmmm...

1350 - All off to KAFA. Final paper Hafazan and Tauhid.

1700 - All home. Playground time. Bapak off for his office Squasy tournament.

1900 - No mengaji today. Dinner tomyam campur.

1930 - 2100 - Revision time, Mathematics.

2130 - All off to bed.

Tomorrow, Maths and arts. Good luck kids.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

20110509 Monday - Exams week

Monday. Today is their first day exams at SK PTKK and last day for their KAFA.

0600 - All up.

0630 - All off to school. Keep on reminding the kids to check and re-check their answers.

1245 - All home. The kids said everyting went OK except for Nurin. She complained that she couldn't finish her paper on time.

1350 - All off for KAFA.

1600 - Bapak had a meeting with a company that could have 'big' impact on his career.

1700 - All home. Playground time.

1900 - Dinner time. No mengaji today.

1930 - 2130 - Revision time for tomorrow's papers. English, Science and Kemahiran Hidup.

2145 - All off to bed.

Good luck kids!

Monday, 9 May 2011

20110508 Sunday

Sunday. Nothing in particular but Mama had a BAKAT do. Bapak at home overseeing the kids revisions.

0800 - All up. Mama off to BAKAT meeting.

1000 - 1230 - Revision time for all. Arief and Hakim were OK. Nurin zero!

1230 - Mama home. Lunch time!.

1330 - 1530 - Guitar time for Arief. Mama off to 1 Borneo for BAKAT do.

1600 - 1630 - Revision time continues for Hakim. Nurin still zero!

1700 - Playground time.

1800 - Bapak, Nurin and Nadia DVD time.

1900 - Mama home.

2000 -Nasi Goreng BTC for dinner.

2030 - Bapak off to own dinner with BHIC.

Mama overseeing the kids revisions for tomorrow tests.

20110507 Saturday

Saturday. Today Nurin had a TASMIK Class and Mama had a replacement school day. Tonite is a Pizza time!

0755 - Bapak sent Nurin to TASMIK. Arief and Hakim, some revision on BM.

1000 - Bapak picked Nurin from TASMIK.

1115 - Bapak, Nurin and Nadia sent Mama to school.

1230 - Bapak home.

1530 - Bapak off to pick up Mama.

1630 - Bapak and Mama home. We plan to do a weekly shopping and night out tonite.

1700 - Playground time.

1900 - 2000 - Doraemon and Shin Chan time.

2015 - Off to 1 Borneo for shopping and Pizza time!.

2230 - Arrived home after driving in heavy rain. Very heavy rain.

2300 - Bapak off to fishing.

Tomorow, Guitar time for Arief and a must revision time for the kids for Monday's tests.

20110506 Friday KAFA tests

Friday. Arief was OK and we made him go to school. Tonight, Bapak and Mama had Navy Day dinner at 1Borneo, meaning no SmartReader class for them.
0600 - All up. Nurin was a bit slow as usual!
0640 - Bapak sent Nurin to school and like yesterday, picked up Hakim and Arief along the way.
1145 - Bapak picked up the kids from school as their van was late.
1220 - 1320 - Friday prayer.
1350 - Bapak sent the kids to KAFA. Told them to be extra careful when answering the tests.
1700 - All home. Playground time.
1830 - No mengaji time today. Mama and Bapak were getting ready for dinner.
1900 - Mama and Bapak off to dinner.
0030 - Mama and Bapak home.
Tomorrow, TASMIK for Nurin and Mama had a replacement day.

20110505 Thursday - Arief Still Demam

Thursday. Arief still had high fever. We let them stay at home.

0600 - All up.
0630 - Hakim off to school. Nurin was a bit slow as usual.

0640 - Bapak sent Nurin to school and picked Hakim up on te way as their van was late.

1235 - All home. Arief was a bit OK. We asked him to go to KAFA as there would be some tests.

1700 - All home. Playground time.

1845 - Mengaji time.

1900 - Dinner time.

1930 - 2030 - Homework and KAFA revision time. Bapak revised Sirah Rasul for tomorrow's Sirah test in their KAFA class.

2100 - All off to bed.

Tomorrow, KAFA tests for the kids.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

20110504 Wednesday Arief demam

Wednesday. Arief down with high fever this morning. We let him stayed at home.

0600 - All up.

0630 - Hakim off to school. Nurin was super slow and was left behind by the school van.

0645 - Bapak sent Nurin to school.

1235 - All home.

1350 - Bapak sent Nurin for KAFA. Hakim preferred the school van.

1700 - All home. Playground time.

1845 - Mangaji time for Hakim and Nurin.

1900 - Dinner mee hon soup.

1930 - 2030 - Homework time for Nurin and Hakim.

2100 - Bed time for all.

Arief was a bit dizzy. We let him rest and see how it goes tomorrow.

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

20110503 Tuesday KAFA exam

Tuesday. Beside the normal school routine, the kids had a KAFA exam- on Quran and Feqah. Last nite the world was shocked with the news of Osama Ben Laden's death. Another normal Americans way.

0600 - All up.

0630 - All off to school with Nurin the slowest one.

1230 - Hakim and Nurin home.

1300 - Bapak picked Arief from school.

1350 - Bapak sent Nurin and Hakim to KAFA while Arief preferred his van.

1700 - All home. The kids said they could do teir KAFA papers (well, they said!).

1845 - Mengaji time.

1900 - 1915 - Dinner time.

1930 - 2100 - Homework and KAFA revision time. Bapak off to FUTSAL.

2130 - All off to bed.

Tomorrow, they will have another KAFA papers on JAWI and Bahasa Arab. Good luck kids!

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

20110502 Monday Bank Holiday

Monday. Replacement day off for Labour Day. We had nothing in particular except to finish off the kids homework.

0830 - All up.

0900 - 1030 - Laptops time.

1030 - 1300 - Homework time for all. Mama was having an 'off' day.

1300 - Lunch time. Udang goreng.

1400 - 1500 - Homework time continue. Arief and Hakim managed to finish but Nurin? She had to continue tonite.

1630 - It was raining heavily in PTKK. Indoor games for the kids.

1730 - Bapak and Mama off to Giant IP.

1930 - Bapak and Mama home.

2000 - Dinner time. Fish curry.

2015 - 2115 - Final revision for Arief and Hakim and homework time for Nurin.

2130 - Bedtime for Hakim. Nurin, at last, finished her homework.

2145 - Bedtime for all.

Tomorrow, normal school routine but the beginning of exam week for their KAFA.

Monday, 2 May 2011

20110501 Sunday May Day

Sunday. Today is a Labour Day holiday. The base had a Open Day where Nurin will be taking part in coloring contest. Mama had a BAKAT booth to attend to. And later we had a concert in the base as well.
0700 - Nurin up. So excited to go to her coloring contest but we asked her to continue her sleep. We plan to go at 0930.

0730 - Bapak and Mama off to Tamu Tuaran.

0900 - Bapak and Mama home. We asked the kids to get ready. As usual, Arief refused to come along.

0930 - Off to Naval Open Day. Register Nurin's name and tour along the booths. Quite a big event with all kinds of booths.

1100 - 1300 - Nurin took part in coloring contest.

1330 - Bapak took the kids for Arief Guitar lesson.

1400 - Arrived MusicMart but found out it was closed for Labour Day!. Well, that's what happen when we lost the school calendar! Better get another calendar. We went to Desa Freshmert instead.

1500 - We went to te base and visited Mama. Registered for a 1700 CB90 ride. Bapak took part in guessing the nuts in the bottle game. Bapak estimations were between 4700 - 4800.

1700 - CB90 ride.

1730 - Went home.

1930 - Went to the concert.

2000 - 2230 - Concert time. In the concert, the winner of the coloring contest and guessing the nuts were announced. Nurin's coloring partner got No 4 and the right number in the nuts was 4580!..Okie dokie! No luck.

2300 - All off to bed. Knackered!

Tomorrow, Bank Holiday Monday. Another lazy day in the making!

20110430 Saturday

Saturday. Nurin had a Tasmik class while Mama had a PTA meeting. Otherwise, it's just another lazy Saturday!

0700 - Mama off to school.

0755 - Bapak sent Nuring to school for her TASMIK class.

1000 - Bapak picked Nurin from school.

1100 - 1200 - Light homework for Arief and Hakim.

1300 - Lunch. Udang goreng.

1400 - 1500 - Light homework again for Hakim and Nurin.

1700 - Mama home. Playground time.

1900 - Doraemon and Shin Chan time. Bapak and Mama off to Squash.

2000 - Dinner time. Daging goreng.

2130 - Nurin and Hakim off to bed.

2230 - Arief off to bed.

Tomorrow, the base had an open day and Nurin was so excited for she will be taking part in the coloring contest.