Wednesday, 4 May 2011

20110503 Tuesday KAFA exam

Tuesday. Beside the normal school routine, the kids had a KAFA exam- on Quran and Feqah. Last nite the world was shocked with the news of Osama Ben Laden's death. Another normal Americans way.

0600 - All up.

0630 - All off to school with Nurin the slowest one.

1230 - Hakim and Nurin home.

1300 - Bapak picked Arief from school.

1350 - Bapak sent Nurin and Hakim to KAFA while Arief preferred his van.

1700 - All home. The kids said they could do teir KAFA papers (well, they said!).

1845 - Mengaji time.

1900 - 1915 - Dinner time.

1930 - 2100 - Homework and KAFA revision time. Bapak off to FUTSAL.

2130 - All off to bed.

Tomorrow, they will have another KAFA papers on JAWI and Bahasa Arab. Good luck kids!

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