Wednesday, 18 May 2011

20110518 Wednesday - Co Curriculum Day

Wednesday. Today, Arief had pot luck day for his class. Nurin and Hakim also wanted to bring something although they don't have such do. OK, puddings for all.

0600 - All up.

0645 - Bapak sent the kids to school.

1235 - All home. It was a good day for Arief. Lot of foods he claimed.

1345 - Bapak sent Arief for Co Curriculum. Nurin and Hakim for KAFA.

1430 - Arief home. It was a quick one!

1700 - Nurin and Hakim home. Playground time.

1845 - Mengaji time.

1900 - Dinner time. Ikan goreng.

1945 - 2045 - Some revision for their exams papers.

2100 - Bed time for all.

Ready for tomorrow. Nothing special.

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