Wednesday. Pot Luck day for Hakim. We gave him a chocolate cake for him to share with his friends.
0600 - All up except Arief who was having a high temperature. We let him off for the day.
0650 - Bapak sent the kids to school except for Arief. Hakim was jubilant with his cake!
1235 - Nurin and Hakim home.
1345 - Bapak sent Hakim only for KAFA because Nurin was too tired and sleepy while Arief was still sick.
1700 - Hakim home, walking he said! Poor boy! Goog for him anyway to have some sort of exercise. Playground time.
1850 - Mengaji time.
1900 - Dinner time.
1930 - 2000 - Light revision, no homework.
2100 - Bedtime for all. Arief was still sick and possibly he will miss class again tomorrow.
Mama planned to take Arief to doctor tomorrow should he continue like that.
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