0600 - all up...Hakim quickly settled in ...but Nurin and Arief only in their uniform by 0625.! Morning shouting games has started! Chop Chop! you don't want to be left behind by your van right?
0625 - Hakim off...
0627 - Damn!..Arief's trouser is not the right one..the scout belt cannot fit in...OK, just forget about your belt...just go..
0630 - Arief and Nurin off.
1245 - All home.
1330 - Sent Arief to his evening scout gathering..Nurin and Hakim off to KAFA..Nadia? TV watching. It's started to rain again.
1500 - Mama home for BAKAT. Ceramah Maulidur Rasul.
1645 - All home. Rain has stopped. Playground time.
1930 - Today no mengaji. Dinner - daging goreng kunyit. Nadia accidentally fall asleep.
2000 - Homework time for Arief and Nurin. Revision time for Hakim. Hakim's writing had to be polished. Almost all his teachers' comment sound something like this "improve your writing"!
2100 - Bedtime for all. Oh oh..Nadia woke up!..must be a real challenge to get her to sleep again..
2125 - I am off..can't open my eyes anymore..peace.
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