0730 - Arief is up. ..to his laptop. Scolded him to have his shower first.
0800 - The rest of the kids up. Susu time. Promise Nurin to take her for a Squash lesson.
0930 - Bapak, Nurin and Nadia off to Squash and later on to the gym. The kids enjoying themselves with the treadmills. Mama stayback, she was cooking lasagne for lunch.
1130 - Back from gym.
1300 - Lunch, mama's lasagne!
1330 - Bapak and Arief off to MusicMart for his guitar lesson.
1500 - Bapak and Arief home.
1600 - All except Arief and Hakim off to Block C for birthday invitation. Arief and Hakim went to Farhan's house for PS3 time.
1700 - Playground time.
1900 - TV time.
2000 - Dinner, lasagne for Hakim, daging kunyit for Arief, nothing for Nurin.
2100 - TV Time, Mr Bean's collection.
2200 - All off to bed.
Tomorrow is the beginning of one week school holiday. Better setting up a time table for the kids. Otherwise...
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