Sunday, 27 March 2011

20110326 Saturday

Today, Hakim supposed to have his Smart Solat Class and Arief with his Science class project at school. Mama has her BAKAT's volleyball games. Later this evening, we promised to buy Nurin's birthday present.

0700 - Woke Hakim up but he insisted that his Smart Solat Class will only start next week, just like Nurin's. OK. We bought it. Arief meanwhile is ready to go to school for his science class project.

0755 - Bapak sent Arief to school. Bapak saw many Hakim's much about class cancellation!

0800 - Mama went off to her volleyball games.

0815 - Arief arrived home. He said his project is put off to the afternoon.

0830 - All up.

1000 - 1200 - Homework time for all.

1215 - Mama home.

1330 - Lunch time. Nasi Briyani and daging kurma.

1530 - Off to GIANT and Toys r Us. Nurin chose a Barbie room set.

1730 - Arrived Home. Nurin straight to her Barbie set.

1900 - Shin Chan and Doraemon time.

1950 - Bapak off to office.

2015 - Dinner time for the kids.

2200 - Bed time for all. Bapak continue with his fishing.

Tomorrow, Guitar lesson for Arief and birthday party for the kid's friend.

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