Friday, 18 March 2011

20110317 Thursday

4th day school holiday. Today, Mama has to go to KK, meaning the kids won't have their morning revision session.

0900 - All up.

0930 - Mama went out.

0930 - 1230 - Free time for all.

1230 - Lunch time. Tomyam and daging goreng kunyit. Mama still not home. Meaning, another free time in the afternoon.

1330 - 1700 - Free time, no mengaji either.

1700 - Mama home, Playground time.

1845 - Mengaji time.

1900 - Dinner time.

1930 - Revision time for all. Arief haas the most because his KAFA homework is nowhere to finish. Nurin and Hakim's are OK.

2030 - Hakim and Nurin finished their revisions.

2200 - Arief finished his homework (for the day). Had to continue tomorrow.

2230 - Nurin off to bed. Arief and Hakim still up cause they were waiting for WWF on TV3. If not for school holiday, we will never allow the kids to stay up this late.

2300 - WWF on TV3.

2359 - Bed time.

Tomorrow, Arief MUST finish his KAFA homework.

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