Sunday, 31 July 2011

20110730 - Saturday Arief KAFA Day, Celebrate Arief Birthday, Flooded Kitchen

Saturday. Today Arief had his extra KAFA day and we planned to celebrate his birthday in Pizza Hut.
0755 - Bapak sent Arief for his KAFA class.
0845 - Mama and Bapak went to Celcom KK to replace Mama's Sim card and to Gudservis KK to process Bibik's work pemit.
1010 - Mama and Bapak picked Arief from his KAFA class.
1030 - 1300 - Movie time. Bourne Identity.
1310 - Off to KK for Pizza time. It was very crowded in KK. We end up in Pizza Hut Damai.
1500 - We walked to Desa Freshmart which was a walking distance from Pizza Hut.
1530 - Went to Giant Kolombong to buy some DVDs for the girls.
1730 - All home. Bibik reported that plumbers came to repair our broken pipes but end up with a flooded kitchen soon after they left! Bapak reported the mishap to the duty watch.
1900 - 2000 - Doraemon and Shin Chan time.
2030 - Dinner time for all albeit with the flooded kitchen.
2100 - Broken pipes recified!
2230 - Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, Arief guitar class.

20110729 - Friday School Day

Friday. Smartreader tonight. Mama had a morning outing with her colleagues.
0545 - Arief and Hakim up. Arief claimed he had a headache so he skipped classes today.
0600 - Nurin up.
0630 - Hakim and Nurin off to school.

0945 - Mama off to school.
1145 - All home.
1220 - 1320 - Bapak off to Friday prayer.
1350 - Bapak sent all to KAFA except Arief.
1700 - All home. Playground time.
1845 - All off to SmartReader.
1900 - 2100 - SmartReader and Giant 1B time.
2130 - Dinner at McD Shell.
2230 - All home.
2300 - All off to bed.
Tomorrow, KAFA for Arief and we planned to celebrate Arief birthday later.

20110728 Thursday Normal School Routine, Washine Machine Taken Away

Thursday. Today is routine school day. 1M1S for Arief and Hakim had a TASMIK at the end of the school periods meaning he will be out later than usual.
0545 - Arief and Hakim up for subuh prayer.
0600 - Nurin up.
0630 - All off to school.

1100 - The mechanics took away the broken washing machine for repairs. It will only be ready by Monday!
1245 - Arief and Nurin home.
1300 - Bapak picked Hakim from school.
1315 - Bapak sent Arief for 1M1S.
1350 - All off for KAFA.
1715 - All home.
1845 - Mengaji time.
1900 - Dinner time.
1930 - 2030 - Homework and revision time.
2100 - Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, Friday routine.

20110727 Wednesday School Routine

Wednesday. Today there is no Co Curriculum activity for Arief and no KAFA for all.
0545 - Hakim and Arief up for Subuh.
0610 - Nurin up.
0630 - Arief and Hakim off.
0640 - Nurin off. luckily the van was not there yet.
1240 - All home. No KAFA meaning free time for all.
1330 - Hakim asleep while Nurin, Arief and Nadia were having good times with their online games. Bapak managed to convince Nurin to finish off her homework which she did brilliantly.
1700 - Playground time for Arief and Nurin. Nadia accidentally fell asleep. Hakim was still asleep.
1850 - Mengaji time for all.

1900 - Bapak went down earlier but the kids were already there! There was no mengaji actually. 1915 - Dinner time. It was raining heavily in PTKK, with very strong winds!
1930 - 2030 - Homework and revision time. Arief writing is getting better while Hakim still need extra training.
2100 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, normal Thursday routine.

20110726 Tuesday School Routine, Washing Machine Breakdown, Mama's new hp!

Tuesday. Normal school routine.
0545 - Arief and Hakim up for subuh.
0600 - Nurin up.
0630 - All off to school.
1235 - Nurin and Hakim home by catching a ride in friend's home.
1300 - Bapak picked Arief from school. Bibi reported to Bapak that the washing machine was broken. Great!
1400 - All off to KAFA.
1700 - Bapak convinced the kids to finish off their homework because we need to report about the defective washing machine.
1845 - Dinner time.
1900 - 2030 - Off to 1B to report about the washing machine and Mama got a new hp!
2130 - Home. All off to bed.
Tomorrow, Wednesday school routine.

20110725 Monday Routine, Bapak KL - KK

Monday. Normal routine, Bapak will board the 1400 flight from KL.

0545 - Arief and Hakim up.

0600- Nurin up.

0630 - All off to school .

1235 - All home.

1350 - All off to KAFA.

1715 - All home. Playground time.

1845 - Mengaji time. Bapak home!

1900 - Dinner time with Bapak. Everybody was tlaking about their tests.

1930 - 2030 - Revision time for all.

2100 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, normal Tuesday routine.

20110724 Sunday Arief Guitar Day, Bapak Muar - KL

Sunday, Guitar lesson for Arief and routine shopping at Desa's. Bapak was enjoying his time in Muar!
0830 - Mama is entertaining the kids.

1045 - 1230 - Revision time.

1320 - Pushed off for Arief guitar.

1400 - 1430 - Arief guitar time.

1500 - Desa Freshmart time.

1630 - All home. Playground time for all. Bapak was on the way from Muar to KL.

1900 - Boboi Boy time.

1930 - Dinner time.

2000 - 2030 - Revision time for All.

2100 - Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, Normal school routine and Bapak will be home!

20110723 - Saturday Arief KAFA Day, Bapak KL - Muar

Saturday. Today Arief had his extra KAFA day and Mama had a replacement class. Bapak was still in KL.

0700 - Mama off to school after reminded Arief to walk to his KAFA class.

1000 - Mama home. It turned out that Arief did'nt walk to his KAFA class.

1100 - 1700 - Mama gave the kids some free time after a week of tests. Bapak went to Muar with K Ija and K Ros.

1900 - 2000 - Doraemon and Shin Chan time.

2030 - Dinner time for all and another set of free time after.

2230 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, Arief guitar class.

Saturday, 30 July 2011

20110722 - Friday School Day, Bapak in KL

Friday. Smartreader night. Bapak was still in KL.

0545 - Arief and Hakim up for Subuh.

0600 - Nurin up.

0630 - All off to school.

1200 - All home.

1350 - All off to KAFA.

1700 - All home, playground time.

1845 - Off to Smartreader.

1900 - 2100 - Smartreader time and Giant 1B time.

2000 - Bapak was having dinner with K Ija in KL.

2130 - Dinner time McD.

2230 - All home.
2300 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, normal Saturday routine. Arief with his KAFA. Nurin's TASMIK is on Wednesday afternoon now.

20110721 Thursday Normal School Routine, Bapak in KL.

Thursday. 21 Jul, it's Arief birthday! Sadly Bapak was in KL. No more tests for the kids.
0545 - Arief and Hakim up for Subuh.
0600 - Nurin up.
0630 - All off to school.
1240 - All home.
1350 - All off to KAFA.
1700 - All home, playground time.
1845 - Mengaji time.
1900 - Dinner time.
1930 - 2030 - No homework. Mama gave the kids a break.

2045 - 2245 - Apparently Bapak was watching Malaysia vs Chelsea in KL.
2130 - Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, normal Friday routine.

20110720 Wednesday Monthly Trials

Wednesday. Monthly trials. Today they have Math papers. Bapak had to go to MINDEF for some documentations. Bapak will only be back by Monday 25th!
0545 - Arief and Hakim up.
0600- Nurin up.
0630 - All off to school. Bapak said bye to he kids and reminded them to behave!

0715 - Bapak off to KKIA.
1235 - All home. Said the trials were OK. We will see.
1350 - No KAFA today.
1715 - All home. Playground time.
1845 - Mengaji time.
1900 - Dinner time.
1930 - 2030 - Revision time for tomorrow trials.
2130 - Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, Science papers!

20110719 Tuesday Monthly Trials

Tuesday. Monthly trials. Today they have BI papers.

0545 - Arief and Hakim up.

0600- Nurin up.

0630 - All off to school. The kids were reminded to be more careful in answering their papers!

1235 - All home. Said the trials were OK. We will see.

1350 - All off to KAFA.

1715 - All home. Playground time.

1845 - Mengaji time.

1900 - Dinner time.

1930 - 2030 - Revision time for tomorrow trials.

2130 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, Math papers!

20110718 Monday Monthly Trials

Monday. Monthly trials. Today they have BM papers.
0545 - Arief and Hakim up.
0600- Nurin up.
0630 - All off to school with some encouraging words from Mama and Bapak!
1235 - All home. Said the trials were OK. We will see.
1350 - All off to KAFA.
1715 - All home. Playground time.
1845 - Mengaji time.
1900 - Dinner time.
1930 - 2030 - Revision time for tomorrow trials.
2100 - 2200 - Juvana on TV3 the Final Episode.
2215 - Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, BI papers!.

20110717 Sunday Arief Guitar Day

Sunday, Guitar lesson for Arief and our routine shopping at Desa's.

0900 - Mama and Bapak off to Pasar KK.
1030 - Mama and Bapak home.
1045 - 1230 - Homework and revision time.
1320 - Pushed off for Arief guitar.
1400 - 1430 - Arief guitar time.
1500 - Desa Freshmart time.
1630 - All home. Playground time for all.
1900 - Boboi Boy time.
1930 - Dinner time.
2000 - 2030 - Homework time for Arief and revision time for All.
2100 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, Monthly Trials for the kids!

20110716 Saturday KAFA Arief and TASMIK Nurin

Saturday. Today Arief had KAFA additional class, Nurin had TASMIK Class and Bapak had his exercise.
0750 - Bapak sent Arief and Nurin to school.
1000 - Bapak picked Nurin and Arief from school.
1230 - Bapak got the message to close up to his office.

1700 - Playground time.

1900 - 2000 - Doraemon and Shin Chan time.
2000 - Dinner time. Bapak was still at his office.

2000 - 2200 - Mama gave the kids extra lessons for next week's trials.
2230 - All off to bed.

2300 - Bapak home.
Tomorrow, guitar time for Arief.

20110715 - Friday School Day

Friday. Tonight, Smartreader. Bapak had special exercise which made him stayed in his office for longer periods.

0545 - Arief and Hakim up.

0600 - Nurin up.

0630 - All off to school.

1200 - All home.

1230 - 1320 - Friday prayer time.

1400 - Bapak sent all to KAFA.

1500 - Bapak exercise started. He wasn't sure when he can be home.

1700 - All home.

1845 - Mama took the kids to Smarteader since Bapak was still at the office. Bibik as well.

1900 - 2100 - Smartreader and Giant time.

2130 - McD time.

2230 - All home.

2300 - Bed time for all.

0030 - Bapak home.

Friday, 15 July 2011

20110714 Thursday School

Thursday. Normal school routine. Arief had 1M1S later.

0545 - Arief and Hakim up for Subuh.

0600 - Nurin up.

0630 - All off to school.

1240 - All home.

1305 - Bapak sent Arief for 1M1S.

1325 - Bapak sent Nurin and Hakim for KAFA.

1700 - All home, playground time.

1845 - Mengaji time.

1900 - Dinner time.

1930 - 2030 - Homework time. Bapak off to KK Tennis to see his his team play.

2100 - Bed time for all.

2130 - Bapak home.

2200 - Movie time Bourne Ultimatum.

Tomorrow, normal Friday routine.

Thursday, 14 July 2011

20110713 Wednesday Malaysia Vs Arsenal

Wednesday. Normal school routine. Tonight the kids had a birthday invitation and Malaysian Football Team will have a game aginst the mighty Gunners.

0545- Arief and Hakim up for subuh.

0600 - Nurin up.

0630 - All off to school.

1245 - Alll home. No KAFA and No Co Curriculum for Arief.

1700 - Playground time.

1845 - Mengaji time.

1900 - 2100 - Birthday party. Nadia was left behind for she was fast asleep when we left. Luckily the kids had no homework tonight.

2130 - Bed time for all.

2230 - Malaysia 0 Arsenal 4! Good learning process.

Tomorrow, normal Thursday routine.

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

20110712 Tuesday School Routine

Tuesday. Normal school routine.

0545 - Arief and Hakim up for subuh.

0600 - Nurin up.

0630 - All off to school.

1235 - Nurin and Hakim home by catching a ride in friend's home.

1300 - Bapak picked Arief from school. Apparently the van failed to turn up in the morning and at noon.

1400 - No KAFA today as the van failed to turn up again!

1700 - Playground time.

1845 - Mengaji time.

1900 - Dinner time.

1930 - 2030 - Homework and revision time.

2130 - All off to bed.

Tomorrow, Wdnesday school routine.

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

20110711 Monday School Routine

Monday. Normal school routine.

0545 - Arief and Hakim up.

0600- Nurin up.

0630 - Arief and Hakim off to school but Nurin sudddenly refused with stomach ache being the reason. We let her change her uniform and rest instead. Hope she don't have that 'I hate Mondays attitude'

1235 - Hakim home. Nurin looked OK so Bapak told her to prepare for KAFA.

1300 - Bapak picked Arief from KAFA.

1350 - All off to KAFA except Nurin.

1715 - All home. Playground time.

1845 - Mengaji time.

1900 - Dinner time.

1930 - 2030 - Homework and revision time. Not that many.

2100 - 2200 - Juvana on TV3.

2215 - BEd time for all.

Tomorrow, Tuesday school routine.

Monday, 11 July 2011

20110710 Sunday After BERSIH

Sunday. The nation woke up after yesterday's parade. Luckily, no serious things happened. As for today, Arief had his guitar class and shopping time at Desa freshmart.

0900 - Mama and Bapak off to Tamu Tuaran.

1030 - Mama and Bapak home.

1045 - 1230 - Homework and revision time.

1300 - We pushed off early for Arief guitar to avoid any possible jems. Luckily the route was clear.

1400 - 1430 - Arief guitar time. We did some shopping at Tong Hing. Some strawberries, blue berries and cherries for the kids. A bit expensive but worth it.

1500 - Desa Freshmart time.

1630 - All home. Playground time for all.

1900 - Boboi Boy time.

1930 - Dinner time.

2000 - 2030 - Homework time for Arief and revision time for Nurin and Hakim.

2100 - Bed time for all for tomorrow's school day!

20110709 Saturday BERSIH Parade

Saturday. Today Arief had KAFA additional class, Nurin had TASMIK Class, Bapak had Aerobic and Mama had a TAMU BAKAT; But the talk of the day is about the giant parade in KL!

0645 - Bapak off for the aerobic.

0750 - Mama sent Arief and Nurin to school.

0800 - 0930 - Mama and her TAMU BAKAT.

1000 - Mama picked Nurin and Arief from school.

1230 - Bapak home. All the roads leading to KK was choc a bloc. We made the decision to stay in the base for the rest of the day.

1600 - Pool time for all.

1800 - All home.

1900 - 2000 - Doraemon and Shin Chan time.

2000 - Dinner time. There was big news about the parade in KL!

2200 - We gave the kids a break.

2230 - All off to bed.

Tomorrow, guitar time for Arief.

20110708 Friday School Day

Friday. Smartreader tonight.

0545 - Arief and Hakim up.

0600 - Nurin up.

0630 - All off to school.

1145 - All home.

1220 - 1320 - Bapak and Arief off to Friday prayer.

1350 - Bapak sent all to KAFA.

1700 - All home. Playground time.

1845 - All off to SmartReader.

1900 - 2100 - SmartReader and Giant 1B time.

2130 - Dinner at McD Shell.

2230 - All home.

2300 - All off to bed.

Tomorrow, Aerobic for Bapak, TASMIK for Nurin, KAFA for Arief and TAMU BAKAT for Mama...and a giant assembly BERSIH in KL!

20110707 Thursday School Routine

Thursday. Today is routine school day. 1M1S for Arief and Hakim had a TASMIK at the end of the school periods meaning he will be out later than usual.

0545 - Arief and Hakim up for subuh prayer.

0600 - Nurin up.

0630 - All off to school.

1245 - Arief and Nurin home.

1300 - Bapak picked Hakim from school.

1315 - Bapak sent Arief for 1M1S.

1350 - All off for KAFA.

1715 - All home.

1845 - Mengaji time.

1900 - Dinner time.

1930 - 2030 - Homework and revision time.

2100 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, Friday routine.

Thursday, 7 July 2011

20110706 Wednesday Normal School Day

Wednesday. Today there is no Co Curriculum activity for Arief and no KAFA for all.

0545 - Hakim and Arief up for Subuh.

0610 - Nurin up, she is getting more difficult to wake up every morning now!

0630 - Arief and Hakim off.

0640 - Nurin off. luckily the van was not there yet.

1240 - All home.

1330 - Hakim asleep while Nurin, Arief and Nadia were having good times with their online games.

1700 - Playground time for Arief and Nurin. Nadia accidentally fell asleep. Hakim was still asleep.

1800 - Hakim and Nadia up.

1850 - Mengaji time for all.

1915 - Dinner time.

1930 - 2030 - Homework and revision time. Arief writing is getting better while Hakim still need extra training.

2100 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, routine school day.

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

20110705 Tuesday Normal School Day

Tuesday. Today is back to school day for the kids. Bapak and Mama had a dinner tonight.

0545 - Arief and Hakim up for Subuh.

0610 - Nurin was very to wake up this morning.

0640 - Bapak sent the kids to the school due to Nurin's lateness.

1240 - Hakim and Nurin home.

1300 - Arief off from school. Bapak was still in a meeting and couldn't pick him up.

1330 - Bapak's friend arrived school to pick Arief but he was already home, walking. Good exercise for him anyway.

1350 - Nurin and Hakim off for KAFA while Arief was too tired to go.

1700 - Nurin and Hakim home. Playground time.

1900 - Dinner time. No mengaji today. Bapak and Mama had an office dinner.

1930 -2030 - Homework time for all. On their own!

2100 - Bed time for all.

2200 - Mama and Bapak home. The kids were fast asleep when we're home.

2230 - Barbie time for Nadia until she asleep.

Tomorrow, normal Wednesday school.

20110704 Monday Off Day

Monday. Today is off day for all schools in Malaysia to replace the Saturday's school day (including Mama).

0700 - Arief up.

0800 - Nurin and Hakim up.

0930 - 1130 - Homework and revision time for all.

1230 - Bapak home for lunch.

1330 - It was raining very very heavily in PTKK. No KAFA for the kids. Break time for the kids. Bapak off to work again.

1700 - Indoor games for the kids.

1900 - No mengaji today. Dinner time.

2000 - 2100 - Revision time. UPSR Science paper for Arief, writing lessons for Hakim and BM for Nurin.

2100 - 2200 - Juvana time for all.

2200 - 2330 - Movie time for Bapak which Nadia joint until she slept.

Tomorrow, school as usual.

Monday, 4 July 2011

20110703 Sunday - Guitar Arief

Sunday. Normal Sunday. Arief had his guitar class and later Malaysian National Football Team will compete in the second leg of World Cp Qualifying game against Taiwan.

0800 - Bapak and Mama off to Pasar Tuaran. The kids were still in bed except for Arief.

1000 - Bapak and Mama home.

1030 - 1230 - Homework and revision time for the kids.

1230 - Laptop time for the girls.

1300 - Bapak sent Arief to his guitar class.

1400 - 1430 - Arief guitar class.

1500 - To Desa Freshmart.

1600 - Bapak and Arief home.

1700 - The kids prefer indoor games this evening.

1900 - BoboiBoy time. Bapak was watching Malaysian vs Taiwan.

2100 - End of football match. Taiwan 3 Malaysia 2 but Malaysia qualify on 4-4 aggregate with 2 away goals.

2100 - Dinner time for all.

2200 - Bed time for all except Nadia.

2330 - Bedtime for Nadia.

Tomorrow, off day for all schools in Malaysia due to Saturday's runs.

Sunday, 3 July 2011

20110702 Saturday 1M1S1Malaysia Run!

Saturday. Today the kids had a Nationwide's 1M1S1Malaysia run in conjunction with National Policy on 1M1S. Not only that, Mama too had to be at school this morning.

0615 - Mama off to school.

0700 - All off to school.

0745 - The runs!

0845 - End of runs. The kids had a Science Quiz to top the day.

1030 - All home. Rest time for all. Laptops time for the kids.

1300 - Mama home.

1500 - Bapak, Mama and the kids except Arief went to a friend's birthday party.

1700 - All home.

1900 - Shin Chan and Doraemon time.

2000 - Mama and the girls went to another birthday party.

2130 - All home.

2200 - Bedtime for all.

Tomorrow, Arief's guitar and nothing else.

20110701 Friday Mama Off Day

Friday. Today Mama was given a day off after 3 straight days of sporting activities. The kids had a Smartreader night and they asked for a Western dinner.

0545 - Hakim and Arief up.

0600 - Nurin up. The kids want Bapak to send them off to school. OK.

0645 - Bapak sent the kids to school.

1200 - Bapak home. The kids were nowhere to be seen. Bapak went to school to pick them up. Apparently somebody forgot to drive the van.

1345 - Bapak sent the kids off to KAFA.

1700 - All home. Playground time.

1845 - All off to Smartreader.

1900 - 2100 - Smartreader time and Giant 1B time.

2130 - Western dinner at the base restaurant.

2230 - All home. Bedtime for all.

Tomorrow, the kids wanted to wake up early for the 1M1S1 Malaysia run.

Saturday, 2 July 2011

20110630 Thursday 1M1S

Thursday, 1M1S. Arief was better = had to go to school. Mama had another sports day and later in the evening, Arief had his guitar class.

0545 - Arief and Hakim up.

0600 - Nurin up.

0630 - All off to school.

0900 - Mama off to school.

1240 - Nurin and Arief home. Hakim wasn't.

1300 - Bapak picked Hakim from school. Apparently he had a TASMIK class. He claimed he was too tired and refused to go to KAFA.

1310 - Bapak sent Arief for 1M1S.

1350 - Out of nothing, the rain came down in PTKK quite heavily. Nurin and Hakim couldn't go to KAFA.

1600 - Arief home. Mama home.

1700 - Playground time. Mama made the kids to do their homework early because we had a birthday invitation tonight.

1845 - Bapak sent Arief for his guitar replacement Class while Nurin and Hakim went to mengaji.

1930 - All except Arief and Bapak went to our friend's house for a birthday party.

2015 - Bapak and Arief home and straight to the birthday party.

2130 - All home after a good night out.

2200 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, Friday routine.