Sunday, 31 July 2011

20110727 Wednesday School Routine

Wednesday. Today there is no Co Curriculum activity for Arief and no KAFA for all.
0545 - Hakim and Arief up for Subuh.
0610 - Nurin up.
0630 - Arief and Hakim off.
0640 - Nurin off. luckily the van was not there yet.
1240 - All home. No KAFA meaning free time for all.
1330 - Hakim asleep while Nurin, Arief and Nadia were having good times with their online games. Bapak managed to convince Nurin to finish off her homework which she did brilliantly.
1700 - Playground time for Arief and Nurin. Nadia accidentally fell asleep. Hakim was still asleep.
1850 - Mengaji time for all.

1900 - Bapak went down earlier but the kids were already there! There was no mengaji actually. 1915 - Dinner time. It was raining heavily in PTKK, with very strong winds!
1930 - 2030 - Homework and revision time. Arief writing is getting better while Hakim still need extra training.
2100 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, normal Thursday routine.

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