Sunday, 3 July 2011

20110701 Friday Mama Off Day

Friday. Today Mama was given a day off after 3 straight days of sporting activities. The kids had a Smartreader night and they asked for a Western dinner.

0545 - Hakim and Arief up.

0600 - Nurin up. The kids want Bapak to send them off to school. OK.

0645 - Bapak sent the kids to school.

1200 - Bapak home. The kids were nowhere to be seen. Bapak went to school to pick them up. Apparently somebody forgot to drive the van.

1345 - Bapak sent the kids off to KAFA.

1700 - All home. Playground time.

1845 - All off to Smartreader.

1900 - 2100 - Smartreader time and Giant 1B time.

2130 - Western dinner at the base restaurant.

2230 - All home. Bedtime for all.

Tomorrow, the kids wanted to wake up early for the 1M1S1 Malaysia run.

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