Monday, 11 July 2011

20110710 Sunday After BERSIH

Sunday. The nation woke up after yesterday's parade. Luckily, no serious things happened. As for today, Arief had his guitar class and shopping time at Desa freshmart.

0900 - Mama and Bapak off to Tamu Tuaran.

1030 - Mama and Bapak home.

1045 - 1230 - Homework and revision time.

1300 - We pushed off early for Arief guitar to avoid any possible jems. Luckily the route was clear.

1400 - 1430 - Arief guitar time. We did some shopping at Tong Hing. Some strawberries, blue berries and cherries for the kids. A bit expensive but worth it.

1500 - Desa Freshmart time.

1630 - All home. Playground time for all.

1900 - Boboi Boy time.

1930 - Dinner time.

2000 - 2030 - Homework time for Arief and revision time for Nurin and Hakim.

2100 - Bed time for all for tomorrow's school day!

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