Saturday, 30 July 2011

20110716 Saturday KAFA Arief and TASMIK Nurin

Saturday. Today Arief had KAFA additional class, Nurin had TASMIK Class and Bapak had his exercise.
0750 - Bapak sent Arief and Nurin to school.
1000 - Bapak picked Nurin and Arief from school.
1230 - Bapak got the message to close up to his office.

1700 - Playground time.

1900 - 2000 - Doraemon and Shin Chan time.
2000 - Dinner time. Bapak was still at his office.

2000 - 2200 - Mama gave the kids extra lessons for next week's trials.
2230 - All off to bed.

2300 - Bapak home.
Tomorrow, guitar time for Arief.

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