Tuesday. Normal routine.
0545 - Arief and Hakim up for Subuh prayer.
0600 - Nurin up.
0630 - All off to school.
1235 - Nurin and Hakim home.
1310 - Arief home.
1330 - Bapak sent all to KAFA. They went early because Nurin wanted to copy something for her homework.
1710 - Bapak picked the kids up from the KAFA. Apparently the van failed to picked them up. Playground time. It was very very windy in PTKK.
1850 - Mengaji time. It was raining in PTKK.
1930 - Dinner time.
2000 - 2100 - Howework time. Arief got a telling off from Mama for his bad results.
2115 - Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, co curriculum day.
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