Saturday, 25 June 2011

20110624 - Friday Diarrhea Day

Friday. Bapak and Mama couldn't sleep well last night. We were down with diarrhea!.

0545 - Arief and Hakim up for Subuh.

0600 - Nurin up.

0630 - All off to school. Bapak and Mama in and out of the toilet.

0730 - 0830 - Bapak and Mama off to the base hospital. Were given some medications and a day off.

1200 - The kids home. Bapak and Mama flat on the bed. The kids took advantage of this by not going to KAFA.

1630 - Mama and Bapak off to CIMB 1B for some important transactions. We are still tired and dehydrated though.

1700 - Playground time for the kids.

1845 - Off to Smartreader.

1900 - 2100 - Smartreader and Giant 1B time.

2130 - All home. Dinner time - Packed KFC.

2200 - Bed time for all.

Bapak had a high temperature and it was getting better for Mama.

Tomorrow, Nurin will have a TASMIK class and Mama has to go to school for her report cards day.

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