Sunday, 19 June 2011

20110618 Saturday - Smartreader Replacement Class

Saturday. The kids had a replacement class while Mama had a Qiblat course.

0700 - All up and ready for Smartreader.

0715 - Mama off to school.

0730 - Bapak sent the kids to Smartreader. Nadia was soundly asleep.

0800 - 1000 - Smartreader time.

1015 - Breakfast at McD. Pancakes time.

1100 - All home. Break time for the kids. Laptops and movie.

1400 - Mama home.

1600 - Pool time.

1740 - Playground time.

1900 - Shin Chan and Doraemon time. Bapak and Mama off to squash. Mama got a call from her cousin who had just arrived in KK. We planned to have a night out with her tonite.

2030 - Dinner time. Nasi Goreng Pattaya tapau.

2100 - Free time for the kids.

2200 - mama and Bapak off to KK to see Mama´s cousin.

2300 - Mama and Bapak at Jesselton.

0030 - Mama and Bapak home.

Tomorrow, guitar time and maybe we will entertain Mama´s cousin at our house. Mama will have a fashion show dinner tomorrow night as well.

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