Wednesday, 29 June 2011

20110628 Tuesday Routine Mama Sports Day

Tuesday. Another routine, Mama had a sports day and had to go in the morning.

0545 - Arief and Hakim up for Subuh prayer.

0600 - Nurin up.

0630 - All off to school.

0640 - Mama off to school.

1240 - Nurin and Hakim home.

1315 - Bapak picked Arief from school.

1345 - All off to KAFA.

1600 - Mama home.

1700 - All home. Playground time.

1845 - Mengaji time.

1930 - Dinner time.

2000 - 2100 - Homework and revision time. Bapak had a Futsal game tonight.

2115 - Bed time for all except Nadia.

2200 - Bapak home.

2245 - Bapak off to see his big boss.

0030 - Bapak home. Nadia woke up to sleep next to Bapak.

Tomorrow, another same routine and Mama has another sports day.

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