Wednesday. Today, Arief woke up with a swollen ankle and refused to go to school Mama had another sports day.
0545 - Arief and Hakim up.
0600 - Nurin up.
0630 - Hakim off to school. Arief stayed back.
0635 - Nurin off to school with Mama. Mama straight to Likas stadium this morning.
1235 - Nurin and Hakim home. No KAFA today.
1430 - Mama home.
1630 - Bapak home from Squash.
1700 - Playground time for all.
1900 - Mengaji time for all.
1930 - Dinner time.
2000 - 2100 - Homework and revision time for all.
2130 - Bed time for all.
Tomorrow, Arief can go to school and Mama will have another sports day.