Friday, 1 April 2011

20110401 Friday

Friday. Meaning SmartReader class at night. Today was crying day!

0600 - All up. Nurin refused to wake up and even refused to take her bath. Crying of course.

0630 - Hakim and Arief off to school. Nurin, in her uniform still crying and refused to go to school.

0645 - OK, we gave up. Nurin don't have to go to school today. Bapak and Mama off to KK.

1120 - Bapak and Mama home.

1135 - Hakim and Arief back from school. Hakim was crying heavily and he didn't say why. He refused to go to we go again. As for Nurin, she said the reason behind her refusal to go to school was because she couldn't write the days and today was supposed the test day..hmm. Bapak gave her writing lesson straight away.

1220 - 1330 - Friday prayer time.

1350 - Just because Hakim don't want to go to KAFA, Arief and Nurin followed suit. Great.

1700 - Playground time.

1850 - Off to SmartReader and weekly shopping at 1Borneo.

2230 - Home. Nurin went straight to bed. Tomorrow she has a TASMIK class.

We let the kids stayed as late as they could. Mama was busy preparing for tomorrow's Tamu BAKAT at PTKK.

Before bed time, Hakim was crying again! This time after a play it rough with Arief...uarghhh..

Today was in fact..a crying day!

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