Tuesday, 5 April 2011

20110404 Monday

Monday. It was raining heavily over the night. Luckily the rain stopped just before the kids off to scool. Nadia had quite a high fever last night.

0600 - All up.

0630 - All off to school.

1245 - Nurin and Hakim home.

1330 - Arief home.

1355 - All off to KAFA.

1700 - All home from KAFA. Nadia still have a high fever.

1845 - Bapak off to a reception onboard a French Navy frigate.

1850 - Mengaji time.

1915 - Mama took Nadia to the clinic in the base. Temp = 40 degrees. The medic inserted the medicine thru her ass!..Seemed good because Nadia went straight to bed and slept soundly.

1930 - Dinner time.

2000 - 2100 - Homework time.

2130 - Bed time for all.

Another normal school routine tomorrow.

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