Sunday, 17 April 2011

20110416 Saturday

Saturday. Nurin has a TASMIK class from 0800 - 1000.

0700 - Woke Nurin up.

0755 - Sent Nurin for TASMIK Class.

0830 - Bapak took Arief for Ping Pong.

1000 - Picked Nurin from school.

1030 - 1230 - Homework time. Kids got telling off to improve their handwriting. They are grounded from using the laptops.

1430 - Bapak and Mama off to friend's house for a Potong Jambul.

1530 - Bapak and Mama off to Kingfisher looking for DBP bookstore. Turned out it was closed even it said open Saturdays and Sundays.

1630 -Bapak and Mama home.

1700 - 1815 - Bapak off for squash.

1900 - Shin Chan and Doraemon time.

2000 - Dinner time. Grilled chicken.

2130 - All off to bed.

We plan to give the kids a break from their laptops. Tomorrow, guitar class for Arief.

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