Tuesday, 12 April 2011

20110411 Monday

Monday, back to school routine.

0600 - All up. We were surprised when we noticed Nurin had a high temperature.

0630 - Arief and Hakim off to school. We let Nurin continue her sleep.

1245 - Hakim home.

1315 - Arief home.

1350 - Arief and Hakim off to KAFA.

1700 - Arief and Hakim home. Playground time. Nadia and Nurin were fast asleep.

1850 - Mengaji time except for Nurin. Nadia just woke up.

1900 - Dinner time. Tomyam.

1930 - 2030 - Homework time.

2100 - Hakim off to bed.

2130 - Arief off to bed. Nadia still active.

2300 - Nadia off to bed after accompanying Bapak with his work.

Ready for tomorrow then.

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