Monday, 18 April 2011

20110417 Sunday

Sunday. Arief has guitar class. Mama has a BAKAT meeting. 2nd day laptops grounding for the kids.

0700 - Mama and Bapak off to Tamu Tuaran.

0830 - Mama and Bapak home. The kids are all up and ready.

0930 - 1200 - Homework and revision time. Bapak made a simple torchlight for Arief's better understanding on his science subject.

1220 - 1300 - All off to Bapak\s office. Mama was printing something while the kids were playing ping pong.

1300 - Lunch. Briyani and daging kurma.

1330 - All off to sent Arief for guitar and Desa shopping. It was raining heavily in KK.

1530 - All home.

1600 - Mama off to BAKAT meeting. The kids were playing indoor. With their torchlights, they were playing in the storeroom.

1845 - Mama home. The kids got a telling off for ransacking the storeroom. Arief had to be the leader to bring everything back to normal.

1900 - The kids were waiting for their Boboboy on tele. Turned out there was special programme today.

2000 - Dinner time. Briyani. Scool bags double check.

2130 - All off to bed.

Ready for tomorrow.

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