Tuesday. Nurin is getting better. She can go to school today. The kids asked for a lamb cho tonight.
0600 - All up. Nurin was a bit reluctant.
0630 - Arief and Hakim off. Bapak had to sent Nurin for she was a bit slower to get ready.
0645 - Bapak sent Nurin off and picked up Hakim at the van waiting place. His van was nowhere to be seen. Arief preferred to wait for the van.
0650 - Bapak home. The van was still not there. Bapak called the van's office but surprisingly a man said the van as departed. No way, cause Bapak can hear and see the van passing through the road down our house.
0655 - Bapak saw the van just passing through.
1245 - Nurin and Hakim home.
1315 - Arief home.
1350 - Arief and Hakim off of KAFA. Nurin claimed she still had a high temperature and preferred to stay at home.
1700 - Arief and Hakim home. PLayground time.
1850 - Mengaji time.
1900 - Dinner time. Lamb chop.
1930 - 2030 - Homework time. Bapak off to a Futsal game.
2100 - Nurin and Hakim off to bed.
2130 - Arief off to bed.
1145 - Bapak home.
Tomorrow, co curriculum day.
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