Monday, 4 April 2011

20110402 Sunday

Sunday. Today Arief has his guitar lesson and Mama has her BAKAT's lunch. The kids asked for their bikes to be repaired..OK kids!

0700 - All up.

0800 - Bapak and Mama off to Tamu Tuaran.

1000 - Bapak and Mama home. Bapak bought goodies to repair the kids bicycles' flat tyres.

1030 - Bapak was repairing the flat tyres..with the 'help' from the kids of course.

1130 - Mama off to BAKAT's lunch.

1300 - Lunch. Grilled whole chicken.

1330 - Bapak sent Arief to guitar class.

1530 - Bapak and Arief home. Bapak fitting the tyres back to the bicycles. OK! Not bad for RM5 spent for two flat tyres!

1650 - 1800 - Ping Pong time at Bapak's office.

1800 - 1820 - Playground time.

1900 - Boboboi time.

2000 - Dinner.

2015 -2100 - Revision time.

2115 - Bed time for all.

Tomorrow, school routine as usual.

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